Chapter 13-Back

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It's been some time since my grandpa's death. Gouenji returned the next day. My mom insisted that he stay but he wanted to return saying he can't stay at our house for long. I agreed with him since he actually accompanied me and I can't keep him with us for long. That won't be good to him on our part.

On the funeral that Sunday, Gouenji, Kidou, G, Aram, Robert came. That was a surprise for me. I didn't expect them all to come. Of course they all called me after they knew about my grandpa but coming to Boston to attend the funeral, that is something else. Mom and dad were surprised to say the least.

They didn't expect me to have a group of friends based on my character, mostly guys in the group. My dad at first glared at all the guys. When I elbowed him and told him that they are all my 'friends' nothing else then he calmed down.

My cousin's sons and daughters behaved for the most part. They didn't pick a fight with me but they did flirt with my friends. What can I say? Each of them looked like a model. I am also surprised to have a group of such good friends. I think my wish for good friends at least in the last year was granted even though I faced severe bad luck at the start of the year. May be I should consider it good luck since it got me such good friends.

It was difficult for G since she was the only girl so I had to stay by her side or one of the guys, which is mostly Kidou. I don't whether it is just me but Kidou seemed very pissed off when they flirted with her. He finally declared that she was her girlfriend. I detected something between them. I thought this was the chance to tease G since she always teases me about Gouenji though there is nothing between us. But when I asked her about what is going on between them she showed me an uncomfortable, a very unnatural smile and said that there was nothing between them.

But I do think there is something between them, way past crushes and liking but I decided not to probe further since she seemed uncomfortable on that topic. Furthermore I would like her to open up to me rather than me digging deeper. I don't think she would appreciate it. I will give her time. If she wants to share with me as her friend then that is well and good if not I will respect that and let her have her privacy.

Lunch the day I returned was quite interesting. I was a little afraid to return to college since I made such a big scene before leaving for Boston. Surprisingly Aram and Robert showed up at my apartment that day. How they knew my address is beyond me. When I asked them, they just said that they had their own ways. And no they didn't answer me no matter how much I asked them.

Many heads turned when I returned but instead of openly staring they started seeing me discreetly, that is they thought they were discreet but not so discreet. I could see them stealing glances at me, what these people think is discreet is not discreet at all but I think it is better than being stared at openly. Richard told me it is because of Gouenji's warning. Though his threat consisted of little words it contained promise to carry it on. Even I would be afraid to go against him.

^That day afternoon^

"It's so good to have you back." G said hugging me as soon as I approached the table.

"It's good to be back too." I smiled hugging her back. Everyone one else smiled at me but as usual Gouenji glared at me but somehow I found it funny and smiled at him too which increased his glare. I carried his books around that day so I got the message and got his lunch too. My days of mercy are over which he confirmed when I placed his lunch in front of him.

"Don't think you are free from your duties just because of the last few days. You are still my slave and you owe me." My arrogant, know-it-all is back. I nodded at that. Kidou snorted at that.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't act like you don't care. Your cover is blown. We all know that you care about her."

"Please Kidou don't agitate him further. I don't want to test my luck on the first day I returned." I said narrowing my eyes at him. I want my life to be peaceful at least for a while.

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