Part 33: Court

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My alarm clock had been buzzing in my ear and Aniease was on my back purring. I turn off my alarm and rub my swollen eyes, Aniease got off of me and I fed her food.

"What time is it?" A groggy voice asks me putting a hand on my back

"It's almost time for court." I say sighing.

"Remember, I'll support you in any choice you make." He said undressing and putting on his uniform. I grab a nice lengthen black dress and a little flannel, I do my hair and make-up.

"I know you'll support me, but I don't know if the jury will." I say coming out of the bathroom and looking at him.

"You'll need sunglasses." Ash offers me

"What for?" I ask taking them from his hand

"Social media, since he's a gang leader and you're a victim and an artist, no telling how much they want you." He starts to go to go to the bathroom but turns back around "they'll want you as bad as I need you." He smirks and I chuckle

"I hope they don't want me in the same way you do!" I yell at him from the room

"Me neither." He replied and I chuckled. I slipped on my converses and I laugh mentally telling myself I look like a teenager.

Ash and I hesitantly leave our apartment and get into the car. He holds my hand and I slip on my glasses before hand. With sweaty palms and shaky breaths, I couldn't make a decision on weather to testify or not.

"Just calm down and think with your mind." Ash says calmly already knowing what I'm nervous about

"Okay." I say, we pull up in front of a court house with crowds of news everywhere.

"I'll open your door." Ash tells me "just hold my hand and stay quiet." He hops out of the car and the news people where yelling questions

"Is Emma Vanderwall still alive?" And "did Emma change her name?" And "Are you engaged with Emma?"

Ash opened my door and held onto me tightly. We finally got inside of the court and he intertwined our hands. A guard stops us and says

"If you are an officer you must be in the court room." He puts an evil face on.

"Okay." Ash says and turns to me

"No." I whisper sadly and I hold onto him

"It's okay." Ash says hugging me

"I'm sorry." Is the last thing I whisper and he has to leave. I walk through the halls as an officer leads me to the room, we get to the door and he looks at me sadly "what's wrong?" I ask awkwardly not knowing what to say

"I'm sorry you have to go in there and look at someone you don't want to." He says

"Thank you?" I say more as a question "I'll be fine." I whisper

"I know you will." He smiles at me and I smile back. I hesitantly walk into the court room and everyone looks at me. I look around the room to see Ash standing near Mason.


"Please state your name." The jury says, words get caught in my throats and I clear my voice as I'm on the stand

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