Chapter 11

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I look towards the direction that the scream came and a loud crash was heard.

I dropped my bags and headed downstairs, that's when I found Emma with both her hands over her mouth, trying to muffle her screams, with wide eyes.

"Emma!" I shouted in terror.

Could someone have entered?

That's impossible, only me and Adam were here.

Wait, what's Emma doing here? She's suppose to be out with Ryan.

Where is Adam?

And my questions were answered when I heard Ryan's voice coming from the kitchen.



Ryan had a grip on someone's shirt and when I looked it was Adam.

"Oh my god! Adam!"

"Riley, don't! He broke into our house!" Emma said as she grabbed my waist and tried to hold me back. I kept trying to get out of her grip but she had a strong grip on me.

"Let me go! You don't understand!" I watched as Ryan was ready to throw a punch at Adam. Meanwhile, Adam was trying to push back Ryan.

"He's my mate!" I screamed, hoping that it would stop all this commotion. Emma grip on me loosened and so did Ryan's grip on Adam.

Adam took this opportunity and shoved Ryan off him. "Get the hell off me man" Ryan stumbled a bit. Still trying to understand what I just said.

I walked over to Adam and I noticed he had a busted lip and a cut on his cheek and his eyebrow. "Are you ok?" I asked with concern. I kept checking his face for more bruises.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said through gritted teeth looking behind me. I looked at the direction that Ryan was looking and I saw Emma shooting daggers at me.

"What the hell do you mean 'he's your mate?" Emma said with gritted teeth. I glanced at Ryan and he definitely had more bruises than Adam did.

His left eye was starting to get black. He had a bloody nose, he had a cut on his lip, and what seems like a scratch on the forehead.

"Can we talk about this in my room in a few? I wanna get Adam cleaned up." Emma shoots me and Adam a glare before leaving with Ryan, muttering something about a band-aid.

I turn to face Adam and I see that he's looking down at me. I sigh and grab his hand, leading him to the bathroom. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

We enter the bathroom and I start looking through the cabinets for a first-aid kit. "Sit." I point to the toilet seat and he sighs running a hand through his hair.

I find the kit and I take out some alcohol towelettes and some antibiotic. I take a towel and wet it with warm water. I stand between Adam's legs and I start pressing the towel into Adam's cuts.

He hisses and puts his head back. "Sorry." I mutter and give him a sad smile. "I thought you said they weren't suppose to be back at three." He says while I clean his busted lip and turned around to clean the spots of blood on the towel.

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