The Future of 'Psychotic'

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Hello lovelies! I have biiiig plans for this book! But in order for these plans to be made possible a lot of changes will need to happen. This being said I'm here to tell you just what this will include! 

- The book will need to be re-written and expanded upon, meaning lots more depth, backstory and underlying themes. 

- It will be divided into arcs! Something I've really wanted to try out with this novel is arcs as I feel it would allow chapters to flow nicer and give way to a longer book.

- RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT! Psychotic as it currently is needs a lot more work in its role as a boyxboy novel, which will definitely be happening. I can assure you many saucy chapters await. ;)


So now that you've had a peek at my plans I'm here to tell you about just how this will happen! It may take some time, but I want to give you guys only the best. I will be leaving this version of the book untouched so we can all look back and laugh at how sloppy my writing was. :) The much more pleasant adaptation will be given its own separate book and perhaps even a brand spanking new title if I'm feeling up to it.  

I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to read and vote for my book as it means so much to me. 

I hope to see you all again in the near future! :)

~ Fawn

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