Chapter 10

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Celeste and Billy had arrived about half an hour after Sam had left the kitchen to get cleaned up for dinner. Whatever Penny had been expecting in an ex-wife of Sam's it was not someone like Celeste. She was tall and lithe, almost like a dancer, she had jet black hair which she had swept back into high ponytail giving her cheekbones a dramatic look. Her face was artfully made up with her eyebrows almost a work of art. She was wearing a tight black sleeveless dress that stopped mid-thigh and bright red heels that had at least four inch heels. She was almost as tall as Sam.

Sam had stayed in his study with his door closed as Penny had escorted Billy and Celeste up to their rooms on the third floor. Aunt Maureen was staying in the fourth room on the second floor.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Celeste said as she looked at the small little room. "There must be some mistake girl, I should be on the second floor in my bedroom."

"I placed you where I was asked to," Penny said calmly, doing her best to keep a serene smile on her face. She hadn't had time to freshen up before they arrived so she knew she was looking hot and tired.

"And who asked you to place me here?" She walked over to the window and looked down at the street through the small little window.

"Mrs. Evers." Penny noted a gratified smile on Celeste's face at her answer.

"As long as it wasn't Sam," she purred as she turned to look at her, nodding at what she saw, as if she approved.

Sensing she had been dismissed she turned to return to the kitchen placing her hand on the kitten, who was being as good as she possibly could as she snuggled into her pocket purring. She would have to land her somewhere soon. She couldn't serve dinner with a kitten in her pocket, or could she? She rather liked the idea.

She had just made it to the second floor hallway when Sam opened his office door and noticed her with a raised eyebrow.

"Everyone is accounted for," she said, giving him her easy smile, keeping her thoughts on Celeste to herself.

"Even Sentry?" he asked softly.

She pulled the kitten, who blinked at the sudden light, out of her pocket. "I was just wondering how bad it would be if I served dinner with her in my pocket?" She rested her back in her hiding place.

"I won't tell." He smiled, but she noted it didn't reach his eyes as he turned and went back into his office closing the door behind him. Penny wished there was something she could do for him as she hurried down to finish setting up for dinner, which Regan and Mrs. Evers's had been decided should be served on the porch.

She had to hustle but she had the table set and the drinks ready as Regan appeared. "Oh, Penny it looks beautiful." She put her arm across her shoulders.

Penny had wanted it to look good for Sam. She wanted Celeste to know that he was well taken care of, had everything together, and didn't miss her in the least. While she had her doubts on the last one, at least she was able to cover the first two.

"Drinks are over there and there are cold appetizers under the dome in the center of the table. I'll have dinner out promptly at half past eight." Penny nodded at Billy and Celeste as they stepped out onto the patio before she retreated back into the house. She had opened a window in both the living room and the dining room to make it easier to enter and exit onto the porch.

Penny had stopped at the dining room sideboard and was making sure that she had just enough plates when she heard Celeste's comment.

"You did a good job picking her Regan, she's plain and quiet and seems to know her place. If Sam ever marries again she won't present any kind of threat to his new wife."

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