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"You'd think after ten years, I'd seen it all," Penelope Garcia said, her voice erupting from Derek Morgan's cell phone. Quinn stood next to the man, mind racing too quickly to be stationary in a chair. The question of who the supplier was continued to badger her, relentless in it's attempts to burrow itself into her brain.

"How many sites are there, mama?" Derek asked.

"Hundreds," was Penelope's reply, "and that gem of a fellow you've got in custody has looked at all of them at one time or another. Anonymity is huge for these sites. Brownie points to a Miss Quinn Carson for remembering that, by the way." Quinn chuckled to herself, a small grin spreading across her face. "Anyway, they use a Tor Network, which is an onion router. Point is, you're not gonna be able to find anyone this way. Do you know there are actual variations on a disarticulation fetish?" Quinn grimaced, exchanging eye contact with Kate, at the of the table, who was wearing a similar expression. Garcia sighed. "I need baby kitten pics ASAP."

"Oh, have you seen the baby hippo who lives with the family?" Kate asked.

"What?" The technical analyst's voice was excited.

Kate explained, "Sleeps with a blanket, gets massages, eats better than I do." Morgan raised an eyebrow. He glanced back at Quinn who shook her head. Animal videos weren't exactly a Horsemen priority.

"Where is that?" Garcia questioned.

"South Africa, it's amazing," the brunette replied with a smile. Quinn watched as Spencer turned away from his board, looking slightly bewildered at how a very dire conversation had turned cute.

Garcia spoke quickly. "Trust me, I have an arsenal of cuteness. Have you seen the one with the baby elephant-"

"Oh, and the baby chicks?" Kate squeaked. "Yes! I love that one!"

Morgan's eyes met Quinn's once more. "You have any idea what they're on about?"

The girl shook her head, face turning pink and putting her hands up. "I'm a bit behind on my viral trends. I uh, I just learned what a meme was."

Derek let out a loud laugh, only to be silenced by Spencer's voice. "Uh, hey guys?" he interrupted, glancing up from his file in his hand.

"Sorry," Kate apologized.


"The most recent victim was taken from Riverside. That's more than two and a half hours away from here," Reid stated, turning fully to the three in front of him.

"So his comfort zone isn't limited to here," Morgan noted.

"That's not good," said Kate. "It means he's got a lot more confidence than we thought."

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