Chapter 17

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AFTER ODIN forbade Anna from visiting Loki in the dungeons, she barricaded herself in the chamber assigned to her. The furnishings were lavish, and - even if the room was small by Asgardian standards - she felt as if she was staying in a more opulent room than even the most lavish hotels in London. She couldn't enjoy it, though, not without thinking of Frigga. Not without thinking of Loki.

She is still angry with him, yes, angry that he let his hatred for his father cloud his judgement. Part of her wished that their time together - and their subsequent separation - had done something to change him, to make him more of the man she knew he could be and less of the one who destroyed New York. He was no monster, she knew that now, but that doesn't mean his actions aren't monstrous at times.

Her arms still sport the bruises from where his hands gripped her biceps tightly, and she can't help but run her fingers over the marks. She longed to touch him, hold him, whisper her apologies. He didn't mean to hurt her, she knew that much, but she also wasn't the type of woman to forgive a man for injuring her so easily. Nevertheless, it's hard to be angry with the one you love. No matter how much he deserves it.

And does he deserve it? Anna isn't sure anymore. He shouldn't have shaken her, but she'd already moved past that point. Can she blame him for harboring such a deep-seated loathing toward Odin after everything the Allfather has done? It's bad enough that Odin separated them, condemning both to misery while Loki was relegated to prison and Anna was sent back to Earth, but now he's done something so terrible that Anna can't grasp it.

She's afraid of what Loki will do now. His rage nearly wiped out Manhattan, and that was before his mother died and his so-called father refused to allow him the chance to say goodbye. Worse than that, Odin didn't even tell him until after her funeral that evening.

Sighing, Anna moves from the chair she's been sitting on and stares out the window. Asgard is beautiful, without a doubt, but her heart is heavy while she thinks of Loki. She aches to see him, to kiss him, to tell him how much she loves him. He needs that. He needs her. Hopefully it won't be too late.

"Milady?" A knock on the door causes Anna to turn, and she nods at the guard who walks into her chambers.


He looks at his boots, grimacing, then meets her gaze, "You need to come with us."


"We are still unable to restore the palace shields. Our artillery cannot detect them. Even Heimdall cannot see them," Fandral addresses the Allfather reluctantly. "My king, we are all but defenseless."

Thor enters the room from a distance, where he sees Odin staring at the projection of the palace floating in front of his war council. No doubt they are deliberating over Malekith and the Dark Elves' attack, but he is too frustrated to address it.

"She's your prisoner now?" Thor asks, approaching his father. "And Anna?"

Odin turns to face him, while Thor commands the rest of the war council to leave. The projection of the palace disappears, and he watches while his friends depart from the room to allow him the chance to speak with his father alone.

"I do not wish to fight with you," Odin tells him, descending the stairs.

Thor sighs, "Nor I with you, but I intend to pursue Malekith."

"We possess the Aether," the Allfather responds, keeping his back to Thor as he walks away from the demolished throne. "Malekith will come to us."

"Yes, and he will destroy us," Thor retorts.

Odin grimaces, "You overestimate the power of these creatures."

"No, I value our people's lives," argues Thor. "I'll take Jane to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane, it will be exposed and vulnerable. And I will destroy it and him."

Turning to face him, Odin taps his staff on the floor as he pulls himself to his full height. "And if you fail? You risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemies."

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing," Thor replies. "His ship could be over our heads right now, and we would never even know it."

"If and when he comes, his men will fall on 10,000 Asgardian blades," Odin states simply.

Thor clenches his fist, "And how many of our men shall fall on theirs?"
"As many as are needed!" Odin shouts, his powerful voice carrying through the demolished hall. He cries out in pain, leaning on his staff for support, before straightening once more. "We will fight! Til the last Asgardian breath. Til the last drop of Asgardian blood."

Pausing, the blonde warrior watches his father closely. Odin is gripping his staff tightly, stubbornly refusing to show any weakness in the face of this threat. Yes, Malekith has invaded the palace already and taken many lives - including Frigga - so Thor understands his father's desire to fight and conquer the Dark Elves, but he cannot in good conscience allow this bullheadedness to put so many lives at risk.

"Then how are you different from Malekith?" He asks his father sadly.

Odin gives him a mocking laugh, "The difference, my son, is that I will win."

Now playing: "Thistle & Weeds" by Mumford & Sons


I'm so sorry this is late. *cries from the guilt* I'm getting ready for a much-needed 10 day vacation in England (burn out is real, folks), and - of course - I've had a migraine for two days straight AND Wattpad crashed! Ugh! I pushed through it for you guys though! 💚

Once I get back from the UK, I will get back to my old update schedule (aka - almost every day.) I'm going to update as much as possible before I leave on June 29th, and I'll be gone until July 11th.

HOWEVER. Let's get this adventure going again. The Lanki ship will sail!!! Comment + vote!


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