The Aftermath

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Kate's Pov

'For god sake! Just speak up. Go deal this again.' I tried encourage her to give it another shot as she stayed still. I looked at her for an answer, she nodded negatively. 'What?' I urged her to speak up. 'I can't Kate. She won't agree to me. She doesn't trust me.' She whispered slowly. 'Then cool forget her!' I said casually. 'I love her! I can't.' She blurt out . 'There is no point of getting agitated Mia. You are not willing to fight for her.' I let out my words in a calm tone. 

She stayed still in deep thought , almost like she is not there itself. 'Someone told me last night before any of these happened. That you are ought to live for the one who cares for you , love you but at the same time you should realized that life is all about trying to invade the pain by embracing happiness which come only when you try to put yourself in the path of happiness. It required effort. Now that person is giving up.' Ryan sat near to her while he advised her in his own way. ' Oh don't know!' She put her face in her hand and she rested her elbow on her knee and she sobbed. I never saw her cry like this. She cried out her pain. 'I have no idea about anything.' She said as she let out a sob. She looked in despair. She looked damaged internally. Love can really drive any sane person crazy. She take a deep breath as she looked on intently at the floor. After a few moments, she gathered up herself. 'I want Nicki!' She exclaimed. 'Kate, I need Nicki! I can't be without her.' she demanded as we looked worriedly at her. 'Yes ,she will be back to you. Trust yourself and your love.' I said as I took her hand within mine to reassure her.

Mia's Pov

It's been 3 days since we broke up. Everyday I tried call her, send several messages. She replied none of them. As I walked through the park. Memories haunt me. The hardest part of moving on is the memory. Memory is the most integral part of love, life and basically everything. It link together the love and relationship. If there was no memory , nothing would have being hurtful. 


'Nicki! Just hear me out. Please?' I grab her wrist making her face me. She stood in front of me emotionless. 'I can never cheat you. Don't you trust me?' I said slowly as I stroke her hair with my hand. She gave no reaction. She kept looking at me and I just wished she speak up. 

'Nick, just talk to me. I  miss you baby.' I whispered softly to her as I held her close by pressing my hand over her waist. She struggled to move away from me. She kept jerking me away from her. I moved back and I could just stare at her. 

'I hate you. We are over!' She said sternly as her mouth pressed in a thin line. I could just watch her leave without doing anything. 

Flashback End

I did tried a couple more times but nothing work. You can't force anything in a relation , it just go on with the flow. I strolled around the garden as I remember about the farewell party organised for the college. It's going to be held in one of our classmate farmhouse. After a couple more struggles with my own self about deciding to go for it or just avoid it.  I decide to go as I can give it a try to divert my own mind. 

'Where are you?' Kate voiced out over the phone. 'Well I am at the venue but outside. Can't find you.' I update Kate about my whereabouts. 'Cool, I'll get to you soon.' Kate said in a rush as she hang up the phone. I wander around for a bit. The party environment is loud but fun at the same time. The house look more like a night club. My eyes start to search for one person whom my heart start call despite my mind refused me to and That Nicki. Nicki was dressed in black dress, she was surrounded with her friends. A glass in her hand as I kept trying to figure out her mood. I kind of get a hint that she looked tipsy maybe she has been drinking for a long time. Her eyes met with mine and I got embarrassed as she caught me checking upon her. 

Nicki's Pov

The party idea was a good distraction for me. Friends, loudness, and drinks can ease me for the mean time. 'Stop this you are troubling yourself.' Quina tried stopped me taking away my drink. 'It's called enjoyment not trouble.' I said correcting her as I flashed her my fake yet big smile. I want to be happy with myself tonight. She gave away my drink giving up upon me as she let out a sigh looking disappointed with me.'Why don't you give her a chance?' I heard her questioning as it give a rise to the rage inside of me. 'Firstly don't talk about her and second she was aware of every rules set between us when we entered this relationship and she broke the rule so she got what she deserved!' I made my point clear to her as my mind tried to convince myself that I made the right choice. 

Suddenly I felt someone gaze upon me. It was not strange but familiar. My eyes met hers and her look could have melt me but my mind kept reminding me on the past event. Her white dress was perfectly wrapped around her with her high heels , she looked as gorgeous as ever but she is no more mine! I continued to keep my gaze upon her from top to bottom while sipping from my drink and suddenly I noticed Kate entering with that guy as Mia joined them. The guy wrapped her arms around her waist giving her a hug as they start chatting up. Well right! She is not cheating upon me! As if I am a bloody fool! A sense of heat rushed all over me as I felt affected. She kept glancing over mine and my heart questioned me ...'Is she really cheating upon me?' 'Am I doing right leaving her?' . I kept drinking to divert my mind. 

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