Chapter 17 - Forgiveness & Loathing

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On Friday afternoon, Lily paced the floor of Duncan's bedroom. Her nerves were getting the better of her. "I can't believe we have to do this stupid double date."

Through a minor miracle, she had managed to make it through the whole day in school without being mean or snarky to Sebastian. It was quite a feat given that he was even worse than the day before. Everything out of his mouth was flirtatious. She wanted to slap him at least twice for making lewd innuendos. It was only her love for Dianna that held her back. Lily just hoped that Dianna would move on from this crush as quickly as she did the others.

"It won't be that bad." Duncan said. He was laid out across his bed, with his head resting on his propped up arm. "Who knows, maybe you'll even have fun."

Lily scoffed. "Not likely with Sebastian there."

"You really don't like him, do you?"

"I really don't."

Duncan got up to stand in her path. He took hold of her arms to stop her pacing. Some of her tension melted away with his touch. He looked her directly in the eye. "Why don't you just tell Dianna how you feel?"

"I did. She thinks I'm being irrational. She said I need to get to know him better."

"Maybe you do." Duncan's fingers slid slowly down her bare arms to take ahold of her hands, leaving a trail of sparks in their wake.

"What about the ooky feeling I get from him?"

Duncan quirked a brow, trying to hide a smile. "Ooky?"

Lily ignored his mocking tone and added, "There is something not right about him."

Duncan stepped closer so there was hardly any space between them. "Look, if you say he isn't right, then I believe you. I trust your instincts. But isn't it better if we hang out with them, rather than her being alone with him?"

He had a point. If there was truly something wrong with Sebastian—she believed, wholeheartedly, there was—then it was best to stick close to him, if for no other reason than to protect Dianna.

Lily smiled at him. "You might be more than just a pretty piece of arm candy, after all."

He rolled his eyes, before turning them back to her with a smile. He released her hands in order to slip his arms around her, bringing her in for a kiss.


At half-time, during the football game, while the marching band played a mediocre medley of Top 40 tunes, Lily stood at the edge of the bleachers and searched the crowd for Duncan. She spotted her parents. They were sitting with a blonde woman Lily didn't know. She looked vaguely familiar, but Lily wasn't sure why.

Her parents waved. Her father pointed at her and said something to the woman. She nodded. Lily tried to listen in, but with the noise of the crowd and the band she couldn't concentrate very well. Her seer senses—as Duncan liked to refer to her extra powers—didn't work very well in situations like this.

Lily gave up trying to listen to them and continued her search for Duncan. She saw several of her teachers, most of her classmates, and a whole bunch of strangers.

She had just given up the search when she felt someone grab her from behind. She squealed as she was lifted off the ground and spun away from the lights and the crowd. When she was standing on her feet again, she whirled around to see Duncan smiling and laughing.

Lily slapped his chest. "Don't do that!"

"I'm sorry." he said, with a trace of laughter still in his voice. "I usually can't sneak up on you, but you were so distracted I thought I'd give it a try. I guess it worked."

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