27: Interview with You Know Who

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A/N: Hey there people. I just wanted to thank  you all again for your votes and comments. Seriously, you guys rock. Sorry to those of you who cried in the last chapter. This one is nicer though.

Also, I should have a new chapter to Pyro up either today or tomorrow. I think I might even like that story more than this one. Traitorous words, I know.

And another shout out to Ahaheartbahbay. Thanks for your comments. You better watch your back though, because your news feed is going to blow up when you post again. Just a word of warning. Lol

“Jade! No!” Anton  shouted just as something sharp penetrated the skin on my back left shoulder.   

The world around me began to sway. Holding my-self upright became a challenge. Muscles stopped responding to my commands, and as the wave of numbness rippled down my body the only thing I felt was vertigo as I fell toward the floor.

But before I hit my face on the ground, a rough pair of hands caught me under my arms.

“Heh. Weighs nothing,” Marv said, “Strong for such a little thing, isn’t she?” 

I fought the fuzz darkening my vision. I was so close to my brother’s murderer. My heavy harms ached to not just damage him, to annihilate him. But as hard as I pushed against the darkness, it continued to pull me down

I never said goodbye to Abe.  

Chapter 27: Interview with You Know Who

The world came back piece mail. First the brightness, then the soft firmness of whatever was beneath me.

And then the pain.

In the beginning it all hit me as one indefinable agony, leaving me feeling like I’d been the victim of a steamroller.  And then my brain began to compartmentalize the aches, which was even worse. Each part of my body felt like it had an accident with a kitchen appliance.

My hands felt like they took a spin in a blender. My face had a run in with a cheese grater. My back got worked by a mixer. My head though, it felt like it had been used as a mallet.

And for one blissful moment, I thought that these physical trifles were the worst of my pain. But as my brain defogged, I became aware that the worst pain emanated from my center; a pain that left me feeling hollow on the inside, but I couldn’t remember how that pain got there.

I knew I’d been through one, friggin’, huge fight. Which made sense considering my injuries, but this great emptiness taking over my insides seemed much more important.

It came back in flashes.

Abe tied hand and foot.

Abe bleeding out, laying in the tunnel just feet from me.

Abe still, not even his chest moving to pull in more air.

I couldn’t traverse those remaining inches to him, to touch him once again, or to say goodbye.

The door to my room clicked open and shut, followed by soft footsteps approaching. The bed dipped as somebody sat next to me, placing one cool hand on my forehead, and their other at my neck, feeling my pulse.

I kept my eyes closed and my body completely relaxed, which was easy because it still felt like I had arm and leg shaped sand bags attached, instead of actual limbs. Once the pulse checking hand was satisfied that I wasn’t dead, it moved to my hair and began running fingers through the strands.

I relaxed even more. It felt like such a familiar gesture. I couldn’t quite remember from where though. But the fact that those fingers could slide so easily through my hair meant that all the mousse and hairspray that held my carefully crafted corkscrew curls in place had been washed out.

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