Authors Note!

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  • Dedicated kay Logan <3

Hello my wonderful fans and readers. I know an Author's Note isn't what you wanted to see popping up under this story title, but this is important. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded this week. I'm currently trying to write Chapter 10, but I'm quite distracted at the moment.

My friend Logan was in a bad car accident back in May. He's been in the hospital since then, but has been making progress over the past few months. But, every two steps forward has always had a step back following it. This time though, it's like everything he's worked through is completely forgotten.

Instead of being sent home like the doctors had planned for Logan this week, he is back in Intensive Care. :( Logan is not doing good at all right now. The enzyme numbers in his liver are going crazy and continue to rise. The doctors are fearing liver failure. They also fear that Logan may have had a stroke Monday night when he had a seizure. He is being tested right at this moment for brain activity. He will also be tested first thing in the morning to compare the results of the MRIs.

Honestly, we don't know if Logan will make it through the rest of this week. It's that bad.

But we know that God is in control of Logan and his life. We are just waiting to see exactly what He has planned through this.

So, writing a story is at the bottom of my list of focusing right now.

But, please, please, please, please, PLEASE pray for Logan and his family. He needs every prayer!! 


Hey ya'll. I wanted to clarify for those new readers who haven't read all the way through or haven't read Praying for Logan........

Logan passed away August 30, at 4:40 PM. I appreciate everyone's support very much. Thanks! (:

I'm saying &quot;I do&quot;....but not for LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon