Chapter Six

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"What's you with the teacher?" I heard my classmate ask me I shrugged my shoulders,actually knowing what happened. Me. Camila was crying softly in her hands,before she got here I placed flowers on her desk and a apology note,she came to school late,read the note and started to cry,I wanted to go over there and hold her,I hurt her and I can't even look at myself in the mirror after that happened.

I've been trying to call her and been sending her flowers but this time I actually see how much pain I put her through seeing her crying. The bell rang and the whole period we all stared at our teacher,everyone left,once the door shut I rushed to Camila not caring if she wanted me gone or not I didn't care,"Camz I'm sorry I did that to you,please forgive me"I begged kneeling down looking up to her. Camila didn't say anything just cried,"Please baby girl I'm sorry I didn't mean to"I told her feeling my eyes water,Camila wiped her tears and slapped me,"Oh I...I deserved that"I said rubbing my cheek. "I need to go" Camila said,I haven't heard her talk in days and hearing her voice gave me chills grandted I would have preferred her say something else but that's okay.

"Please don't leave" I said getting up to block her from leaving, "Lauren, I need to go" Camila said pushing me out the way running our the classroom, I looked in the hallway seeing my friends jaws to the ground, "Lauren...and Ms.Cabello?... I ship it" Troy said as Ally slapped his arm.

I ran after Camila not giving my friends a chance to say anything,but once I got to the parking lot her car was gone. I saw my friend's running towards me,"Lauren why didn't you tell us?"Normani asked standing next to me,"Its not something you bring up in conversations"I said looking at the roads to try and see Camila's car. "How long have you been dating?" Ally asked, "8 months,but we're over" I said wanting to fall on the ground and cry,"What happened?"Troy asked as I told them everything from the beginning to now.

"You so stupid, Lauren she want you to scream to the world your love for her she want everyone to know how much you love her" Normani told me,it all makes sense now. "But she doesn't want to talk to me" I said taking a seat on the curb of the school. "Well she just needs time I mean you basically had angry sex with her" Normani said sitting down with me,"Its getting late,we should probably go "Troy said looking up at the smoky sky. "Run to her,Lauren,go" Ally said I got up hugging my friends,they all cheered me me on as I ran to Camila's apartment. I had no plan to win her back,once I got there I was out of breath seeing Camila's window closed and her lights off too. Once I got my breath I texted Ally telling her I made it but she's asleep.

I put my phone in my pocket and looked in the ground for some little rocks. I picked up some pebbles and started to throw them on her window, it took some time but she opened her window,she didn't look happy to see me she was about to close it,I needed go act quickly, "Wait,hear me out one last time and if you still can't forgive me than I'll leave you alone" I said as she took her hands away,"I love you,I'm a idiot for hurting you,I wouldn't want to date me either... Wait no that's not really helping me"I said a out loud as I saw Camila giggle. "I wanna scream to everyone how much I love you, how we make love every night and I love it and I how you make me feel,how when I'm feeling down I can talk to you" I yelled knowing a lot of her neighbors won't be happy hearing me tell about our sex life in the middle of the night. "Shh people are going to hear you" Camila told me,"That's kind of the point,I wanna tell everyone I miss you I wanna take you out and show you off,letting everyone that your mine,hearing your voice I'm overjoyed I love holding you when we finish watching the Notebook 500 times. I could never get tired of that, I tell you secrets nobody knows,and if you want we can be one again. Anytime you need a friend I'm gonna be by your side,anytime you need to love someone I'm right here,anytime you want me I'm just a phone call away. When no one understands you I will,when you want pizza at 4 in the morning I'll get you two of them"I said as I saw Camila cry,"Oh please don't cry I can't see my love the way your second favorite movie,Romeo and Juliet I would die for a heartbeat just like Romeo would for his love"I said as Camila smiled. "If you don't take her back I might just have to" I heard the one and only Dinah,I turn to her seeing her in the other window,listening to everything I said. I chuckled looking back at Camila,but she was gone... The front door opens and running out is Camila into my arms. "I love you baby" I said missing the feeling of her as I held her like my life depended on it. "I love you too".

Authors note
How you like this chapter its kind of long I hope you don't mind
Love you guys

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