Katia and the Stolen Kiss

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THE IRON PRINCESS is a full length novel (252 pages) published by Penguin/Random House. For a limited time, it is available for $0.99 at all major ebook retailers. Links available on my profile. Thanks so much for reading.


Katia's heart pulsed in her throat. Her body hummed with anticipation, as it always did in Lothair's company. He was so close to her, yet so far away. She longed to reach out and trace her finger down the bridge of his long, straight nose, or run her fingers through his silky-looking hair. She stared unashamedly into his lovely green eyes, and heat rose up from her chest and spread across her cheeks.

Blushing was becoming a common occurrence lately, and her pale skin highlighted the insuppressible reaction. Katia had given up dwelling on it. She swallowed the tumultuous emotions welling inside, biting her lip to help keep them locked in. She was having a difficult time remembering what they were talking about. She should say something smart and well thought out, but couldn't think of anything. He was staring at her and so her mind went blank as she stared back, memorizing the small jagged scar that curved down into his brow. It was the most perfect and interesting brow she had ever seen.

He raised his hand and gently brushed back her hair. His hand came to rest on the nape of her neck. He cradled her jaw, carefully tipping it up, and his face inched toward hers.

Bless every star in heaven, her mind shouted. He is going to kiss me! At last. Praise be to all the angels of mercy!

They had come so close to kissing last night at the bonfire—not that he knew that. She had considered just pouncing on him, but then thought it may be wrong of her to take advantage. Last night didn't matter. This moment was much better. For a start, neither one of them was drunk, and they both would remember this perfect moment forever and always. She closed her eyes, leaned in, and felt the radiating warmth from his skin.

His lips would be pressing into hers any moment. Hers were dry so she quickly licked them. He was so close, the whisper of his breath mixed with hers. She was ready and waiting—and waiting. Why was he dithering?

She cracked her eye open to check.

Lothair was stiff and silent, not retreating but not advancing. He seemed stuck, staring at her mouth.

She sucked in the heady mix of his warmth and cedary scent. It was all the fuel she needed to do what must be done. Before he could retract the small ground she had gained, she leaped up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his.

Score! First point goes to Katia! She could hear shouts of triumph from the backbenches of her mind. As her heart took its victory lap, her mind struggled to register every sensation that she was feeling.

She took it as a good sign that Lothair did not push her away. His mouth softened, and he raised his hand to her face and stroked her cheek with the tips of his fingers, igniting a fire with each light touch.

Suddenly, they were moving, and her back was pressed into the wall. His hips pushed into her belly softly and his lips moved with more urgency. She was desperate for more. More of what, she didn't fully understand—just more. It was all so wonderfully exciting, and she was ravenously hungry for a sensation for which she had no name. She clawed her hands into the fabric of his tunic but it wasn't enough.

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