Chapter 6

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Luke looked up in surprise. "What?" he asked. That was the first thing either of them had said in a long time. He wasn't even sure he heard it right.

"This has gone on for way too long. I'm sorry. I know it, you know it, let's get past this."

"Fine by me." Luke said with an air of indifference.

June waited for a couple of seconds. When no further explanation came, she said, "That's it? You can't be serious."

"Look at me, June." Luke suddenly said. His voice became a tad raspier, and his face was devoid of any emotion. "Do I look like I'm fucking joking?"

"Whoa. Hold the phone. What is happening? Can you at least tell me why you're mad?"

"You wanna know why I'm mad? Seriously? I just tried to have some fun with you, do something other than just talk. I was open with my emotions the whole time. And what did you do? You literally pushed me away. You ran away. Gave me an anxiety attack. Show up all bloody and hurt. Refuse to acknowledge that any of this happened. All this while I'm trying to clean up your mess."


"And all you can say is sorry? You toyed with me. Made me think that you weren't really a psycho, when all of it's clearly a lie. How dare you? How dare you ask me why I'm mad?"

June was angry. All her rage burst out in violent sobs of tears. She wasn't sad; far from it. She was pissed. "You have no right to say any of that, you little shit. You know what I've been through. And I've been completely honest with you. I'm sorry my life's not as interesting as yours, mister big shot CEO. And don't you think I feel bad about it, too? Don't you think I want to apologise? Don't you think it's eating away at me too? I'm doing the best I can just to try to hold myself together. I thought you understood that. You should know that I don't take pride in my insecurities."

"No, I know that."

"Then why do you have to fucking act like that?!" June yelled in exasperation.


Luke sighed and tilted his head. He didn't have an answer to that.

Actually, he didn't know why he said any of it. He had no basis to any of his arguments.

"Hell, I don't know, June." he finally said, with an air of finality. "Even if you keep asking me that question for the next twenty years, I still won't have an answer. And I know now that my apologies don't help anyone. So, just tell me how I can make it up to you. I'll do anything."

"Oh, Luke." June said with a soft expression. "I know my sorrys don't mean shit, and all we both need is just... Forgiveness, I guess. So I forgive you, Luke."

"I forgive you too, June."

She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "God, I just want this whole thing to blow over."


Then, Luke said, "So June, what do you think of the weather today?"


Luke tried to help June up. The sharp cry she yelled out prevented him from doing so.

"I'm so sorry," Luke said.

"Dude, it's not your fault." June huffed.

"You know what? Let's just chill for a while, right here. What do you say?"

"I have absolutely no problem with that." June laughed.

"Yeah, walking's for losers anyway." Luke added.

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