Lady In Red

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After a ridiculous and unforgivable long break here i am.

So sorry people. Was going through a hard phase!



"You are a fool, Aamir Hassan! A bloody big fool. You do realize you're never going to get a chance as good as this right?"

"For the millionth time, Zaheer, I will absolutely not risk anything happening to Mayra. I will not put her in the middle of the cross-fire. Do you realize how dangerous this can be? That bastard has already tried to kill her once, you want me to give him a second chance on a golden platter? What are you, nuts?" Aamir glared at the phone in his hand, somehow hoping that Zaheer would understand what an insane idea he was suggesting.

"You are insane, Hassan!"

Aamir rolled his eyes at his friend and said, "Look, there's got to be another way. I'm not going to tone down the security around Mayra so that this asshole has a chance to show his miserable face. I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes to catch the Bastard, but this time, I'll be calling the shots, Zaheer. Not him, not anyone else. And Mayra will be nowhere near him, ever again. Her safety is not up for negotiation. Especially not tonight. I've worked so hard for her to enjoy whatever I've planned for her. All hell's gonna break loose soon enough, my friend, and I want one special memory before that happens."

Zaheer paused before asking, "So, you believe that Mayra is innocent in all of this?"

Aamir didn't hesitate before replying, "absolutely."

"Fine," said Zaheer, conceding defeat of the argument. "I'll be there by eight. You sure you got everything? Do you need my help with anything else?"

"No, thanks," Aamir said, his excitement and nervousness growing. "I've already checked it all out. The hotel manager assured me that he's done everything to my specifications."

"Well, he better," Zaheer laughed. "You're renting out the ballroom of a five star hotel for this night, and paying a fortune on it too!"

"For Mayra, its nothing at all. And if she likes it even a bit then it'll all be worth the time, energy, money and effort."

"I'm sure she'll like it, dude. She'll love it! You've put in so much effort, I know she will appreciate it!"

"Thanks man."

"Anytime, bro. By the way, shouldn't you be leaving for the hotel now? You want to be late for your own party?"

Aamir scowled at the wall clock that chimed seven-thirty. "Damn! Your right! My family takes forever, I tell you. I've been pacing the living room for the last fifteen minutes in this tuxedo! Ugh! I'll see you at the party. Salaam."


Annoyed at the delay his family was causing, Aamir marched up to the winding marble staircase of his house and bellowed, "WILL YOU GUYS COME ALREADY? WE'RE SO LATE!"

Within seconds the whole family was racing out the front door. Aamir stood by the door glaring at everyone as they left and they had the grace to look at him sheepishly. Tapping his foot impatiently he waited for his beloved to make an appearance.

Zahra came hurtling in the hallway, hopping on one foot and sliding her other foot in her golden sandal. Spotting Aamir she said, "Bhai! Listen! I'm going with Faiza Aapa and Irfan Bhai. Fariha Aapa is coming on her own. Everybody else is going in Dad's car. So it's just you and Bhabhi okay?"

Aamir looked at his little sister astonished. "Who planned all of this?"

Zahra clutched Aamir's shoulder and pushed the sandal on to her foot before standing up and saying, "Faiza Aapa. She gave us all instructions well in advance so that no confusion occurs later. Oh God, Dad is getting angry! Bye! I'm coming, I'm coming!"

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