Part 3 of 5 "Nature's Sign"

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My feet crunched over twigs and dead leaves as Prey led me through the dark woods. Night had arrived quick and we couldn't just continue wandering through the dark. So Prey was taking me to a safe place.

We had circled around the river, all the time keeping it on our left. We didn't want to end up wandering away from Prey's home when we were already this close. I had crept over to the river to wash most of the bear's blood from my face and brown hair. Then we we went on our way.

We finally stepped into an open area. It was dark but still just enough space to see if any animals were approaching us. A great place to be able to defend ourselves if we were attacked.

"This will do." Prey said.

"Good choice," I commented, scanning the place. "There's plenty of space here. Maybe we won't be caught by surprise. We can't risk making a fire for animals to see it but we might not need it. I still don't like the idea of staying out in these woods at night. I should be home right now. I'm pretty sure the village is expecting me."

"Well, I didn't know you had a curfew, Tristan." Prey said, coyly.

I felt myself blushing. "Well, I don't actually have a curfew. I just don't want them getting worried."

She went across the open area to a tree and sat down beneath it.

"Well, you can go back now," She said, sounding disappointed. "I'm already near my home now. I'll be okay."

I walked over to her and sat near her. "Nah, it's no rush. I'm not leaving you alone out here. Besides, I can just wait until day time. It'll be too dangerous going back now. I don't want to get attacked by a huge one-eyed wolf."

She raised an eyebrow. "One-eyed wolf?"

I nodded, picturing the huge white wolf in my head. Baring it's fangs at me. Then before even striking... it began shaking its head. Shaking its head and backing away from me. I still couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.

Even that huge bear had hesitated before attacking me. Now it was the wolf. Were they allergic to me or something? No, that's a foolish thought. I had gotten lucky with the bear. The wolf too, but this was different. It was something else.

I forced it from my mind. "Yeah. The one you shot with an arrow." I said. "That was a very good shot."

"Thanks. I just didn't want him to kill you too because of me." She said sadly as she examined the bow in her hands. "I just wish I was able to do that when Ben was alive. Or at least try something."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it," I said, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "He died helping you do something that everyone should be doing. You're sacrificing your life to find a way to stop all these animals from dominating us. We've accepted it, while you're trying to change it. I think that's awesome."

Prey smiled and nodded. "Thanks. That really means a lot."

"Well, I meant every word." I said, smiling back at her.

She set her bow aside and tilted her head. "So you're from an Eastern village... Do you have a girlfriend there?"

I raised my eyebrows. I didn't expect her to ask a question like that.

"No. At least not anymore." I told her. "My ex and I broke up a couple months ago. Why do you ask? You think I should have one?"

I swept a hand through my hair and struck a pose. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Don't get too cocky!" She said, shoving me playfully.

"How about you?" I asked. "You have a boyfriend?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I live with my mom, grandma, sister, and cousins. There are also two men living with us, but they're far from my age group. And Ben... was mostly hired as my guard. So there's not even anyone ever around to make new friends with unless they're family."

"Well here I am, and we're kind of like friends now," I said. "And we're not related. You live with your family, but you're welcome to come to the village if you'd like. You can make plenty of friends there."

She nodded slowly. "I'll think about trying it... someday."

A gust of wind blew through the woods and she crossed her arms for warmth.

I chuckled. "Well that's nature's sign."

"Nature's sign?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's getting colder and windy. Back at home that could only mean two things. Either go inside or... it wants us to hug." I told her.

"And what makes you think that? She asked with a smirk.

I didn't answer. I just moved in closer and wrapped my arms around her body. She went stiff for a moment, but didn't pull away. After several more seconds, she pressed against me and rested her head on my chest.

I smiled and leaned my head back against the tree behind us. For the rest of the night we just sat there in silence. A thought crossed my mind and I wished that it hadn't. I liked this girl, a lot more than I realized. We hadn't known each other long at all, but I could feel it.

I would have to take her to her home the next day and then return to the village. But I didn't know if I wanted to go back anymore. Or at least for a while. Maybe this was where I belonged. If not, maybe this was where I wanted to belong. Right with her...

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