Part 1 of 5 "Encounter"

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The walk through the woods was very silent. There wasn't even a peep from the many creatures lived within them. No growls, no heavy breathing, and the only sounds of rustling leaves came from me as my feet crunched over them.

This was a very big obstacle between me and my village, but today was hard to notice. I didn't mind at all. On days like this, when there wasn't the sounds of a wild animal gnawing on a corpse, or attacking me, I could actually enjoy this walk. It could be a long walk but thankfully my chest and back armor didn't weigh me down so much.

I had just finished making a trip into a nearby town and was now on my way back to my village. I usually made trips into town to deliver things or pick up items. The trips could usually take two or three days, but this time it had lasted a day. This time I had just traded some food in exchange for a new sharp bladed sword.

Weapons are more valuable than actual food these days. Food won't last but for so long, but a weapon such as a sword will last long enough to continue hunting for more food. Especially if you knew how to use it. Guns were harder to get, but even they weren't as useful as they used to be.

These were tough times and the world was becoming stranger each day. I sometimes see it as an advantage, but also as a threat most of the time.

Animals are growing to be twice their original size, and even the trees appear to be growing much larger. Now with bigger animals, they could provide a great amount of food. But they are much harder to kill and they seem a bit more blood thirsty.

So during walks like this, it's good being able to keep out of the way of any animals that could spot me. So far nothing had crossed my path, so today should be easy for me to head straight home with no trouble.

Suddenly I heard a low growl and I came to a stop. I held my breath and listened carefully for the sound again. I slowly reached for my sword strapped to my waist and kept my hand on the hilt.

Several seconds passed and I didn't hear anymore growling. I let out my breath slowly and started walking again, but slower this time. If an animal was nearby, I'd have to be quiet and alert.

I looked around my surroundings to make sure there were no threats nearby. If there was, I'd be ready for it.

There was another growl but further away this time, so I sped up my pace. It wasn't close enough to hear me now. It must have just been passing by.

Suddenly, a shrill scream of terror tore through the quiet woods and sent a chill down my spine. The sound caused me to stop dead in my tracks. It was a girl's scream and it came from the same direction of the growling.

Usually, I would take the chance to ignore it, but what if it was someone from my village. I was at least an hour away now, maybe it was someone I knew. Maybe they'd been making an extra run for food.

Then again, what if it wasn't? The chances of them being this far out for food were pretty low. Was I really willing to risk my life for something that may turn out to be a big mistake.

Most of the villagers I lived with wouldn't even consider taking a chance like this. They would've continued moving until they were far away from the predator and it's victim. But as much as I hated it now, I wasn't like them.

I cursed under my breath and drew my sword. I walked quickly in the direction of the screams. No point in running and allowing another animal to hear my footsteps.

I heard the scream again coming from my left this time. I turned and headed towards it, hoping that the girl would still be alive by the time I reached her. If not, then I may have stepped into a trap that I created myself.

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