Chapter 6

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After a long and relaxing shower, I quickly changed into my white dress from last night and my gold glittery heels. With my hair in a high messy bun, I climbed down the stairs, trying to calm my whirlwind of emotions.

There were so many things running through my mind, like what if he caught me? What if he saw through my lies?

‘Calm down Athena’ I scolded myself, ‘Act like there’s nothing wrong!’

‘No! No, don’t do this Athena! This is our mate! He loves us, and we love him. Why can’t we just stay here?’ my wolf was shouting at me, but it was all falling on deaf ears.

I’d made up my mind, and I wasn’t about to change it. It was for the best, and soon enough, my wolf would realise that.

‘It’s for the best,’ I simply replied.

‘How can it be for the best when both our mate and we are suffering?’ she asked in a quiet voice, sounding so heart-broken.

‘He’ll be in danger,’ I simply said before blocking her out.

Halfway through the stairs, I heard voices. Colton was speaking to another male, but his voice sounded strangely familiar- like I heard him before or spoken to him before.

“ . . .I think she’s finally getting the hang of things,” Colton said.

“I want to meet her already, she’s sounds feisty,” the unknown person laughed.

“She’s mine, and I swear if you even look at her the wrong way, I’ll rip your head out,” Colton snarled. He was so possessive, and it was hot to a level, then it starts getting a little bit annoying, especially since I was used to fending for myself and hadn't had someone to care for me and someone for me to be dependent upon for a couple of years now..

The person simply laughed, “Chill, man. I know she’s yours.”

Finally realising how stupid I looked while eavesdropping on their conversation, I walked down the stairs while they still continued talking about me.

As I stepped down the last stair, I spotted Colton’s back to me and a very familiar looking person. I had seen this person somewhere, his face was still blurry in my mind, but I don’t remember. It was all hazy.

He was handsome with his dark brown shaggy hair and bright blue eyes, but not as good-looking as Colton. He seemed dull compared to Colton, but he was still a very good-looking guy.

My heels clicking finally pulled them out of their conversation as they turned their attention to me. I knew Colton was staring at me with lust, but my eyes were trained on the man. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.

So my suspicions were confirmed! He did know me from somewhere. He had met me before too; I thought I was just going insane before. I thought I was just imagining things, but obviously not.

As soon as I reached Colton, he grabbed my waist in a grip before turning to the man.

“Bentley, this is Athena, my mate,” he said with pride in this voice. “Athena, this is my Beta, Bentley.”

“Hey. I’ve seen you before. Do I know you?” I asked.

“Err,” he nervously scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah, we spoke briefly at the club yesterday.”

My eyes widened in realisation and my mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape. I remember now! He was the bartender that was flirting with me and gave me his number.

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