Chapter 3

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In the tavern, Anastasia rented a room for Aebelle. There are other people in their rooms. Some of them were women exiting out of the rooms wearing kimonos while their partners, or strangers, naked in bed. Finally, the swordswoman and the little girl entered the empty room. Aebelle felt comfortable to lay on something soft. They're not beds, but they are as soft as matresses. The room was sparsely furnished but had enough to make it comfortable. There was a small table near the door, a chest for storing belongings, and a couple of chairs tucked in the corner. As Aebelle looks around the room, she can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. The soft mattress on the floor is a welcome change from the hard ground she's was on, and the sparse but cozy furnishings make it feel like home. Anastasia chuckles softly as she watches Aebelle take in their new surroundings. "I'm glad you find it comfortable, Aebelle. This should be a good place for us to rest and recover before we continue our journey." Anastasia asks Aebelle who her mother is.

"My mommy? She is big and beautiful. She told me a story of how she found me on a beach when I was a baby", Aebelle said. Anastasia nods, listening intently to Aebelle's story. "I see. So you don't know your real father, then?" She asks gently, knowing the little girl may not have the emotional capacity to process such a question yet. Aebelle shakes her head. "It's just mommy and me" Anastasia sits down beside Aebelle, her expression softening even more. "Well, that's okay, Aebelle. You have your mommy, and that's all that matters. I'm sure she loves you very much." Aebelle smiles up at Anastasia, her eyes brightening. "Aww, you are such a sweet little thing", Anastasia's heart melted. As Anastasia continues to chat with Aebelle, she notices the little girl start to yawn. It's clear she's tired from their journey so far. "Alright, sweetheart. Why don't you get some rest? We've got a cozy bed here for you." Aebelle nods, her eyelids growing heavy. She climbs onto the soft mattress and curls up, pulling the blanket over her. "Goodnight, Anastasia", she murmurs before drifting off to sleep. Anastasia smiles softly, watching over Aebelle as she falls asleep. The swordswoman takes a seat on one of the chairs and watches over Aebelle, her expression filled with warmth and care. As she sits there, she can't help but reflect on her own journey thus far. She's met many people, fought numerous battles, and faced countless challenges. Yet, none of those moments compare to the feeling she gets from taking care of Aebelle. There's something about the innocence and vulnerability of the little girl that tugs at Anastasia's heartstrings.

In Aebelle's dream, she was in a field of flowers. The wind blew gently, carrying the sweet scent of lavender and roses. She looked up at the big, beautiful sun, feeling its warmth on her face. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her - a woman with long, flowing hair and a kind smile. It was her mommy! "Mommy!" Aebelle cried out in joy, running towards her mother. "Oh, my sweet Aebelle," her mother said, scooping her up in a big hug. "I've been looking for you everywhere." Aebelle felt safe and loved in her mother's arms, content to stay there forever. Suddenly, the surroundings turned dark. Aebelle then heard arguing between her mother and her grandparents. "You stupid girl, have we taught you nothing?", her grandfather asks. "She was just a baby. I couldn't abandoned her!", her mom said. "Aebelle, wake up, honey. You were just having a sweet dream," Anastasia gently shakes the little girl awake. Aebelle's eyes flutter open, and she takes a moment to remember where she is. "It's just a bad dream," Anastasia assures her, stroking her hair. Aebelle looks up at Anastasia, her eyes still filled with fear from the nightmare. "I'm sorry if I woke you up, Anastasia," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. Anastasia places a finger over her lips to shush her and smiles softly. Anastasia's eyes soften as she sees the fear in Aebelle's eyes. She gently brushes away some stray hairs from the little girl's face and gives her a reassuring smile. "It's alright, Aebelle. I'm here for you, remember?" Aebelle nods slowly, still a bit shaken from the dream. She looks around, taking in her surroundings and feeling slightly more at ease. Anastasia watches her carefully, ready to offer any comfort or support she might need. Aebelle takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She nods slowly, still a bit shaken from the dream. She looks around, taking in her surroundings and feeling slightly more at ease. "Thank you, Anastasia," she whispers gratefully. Anastasia smiles warmly at Aebelle, her expression filled with kindness. "You're welcome, Aebelle. I'm here for you whenever you need me. Now, how about we get some rest? We have a big day tomorrow." As she finishes speaking, she tucks Aebelle back in bed, making sure the covers are nice and cozy. Aebelle nods, snuggling deeper into her pillow. Anastasia lingers for a moment, watching as Aebelle's eyes slowly drift shut. In the next morning in Japan, Anastasia and Aebelle saw.... the british? The young girl, Aebelle, looked up at her caretaker with wide eyes, filled with curiosity and wonder. "Who are they, Anastasia?" she asked softly. Anastasia smiled at Aebelle's curiosity and gently brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Those are the British, sweetie. They come from a place called Britain, which is very far away from here." As Anastasia spoke, Aebelle's eyes darted around, taking in the unfamiliar sight of the British soldiers. They were dressed in bright red coats and tall hats, standing out starkly against the more subdued colors of the surrounding landscape. A guard came towards one of the british soldiers, the captain name Thomas Farrington. Farrington saluted the guard and then turned to his men. "At ease, gentlemen," he said, his voice carrying a commanding tone. He watched as the guard disappeared into the castle, wondering what business they had there.

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