Chapter 24: Truth or Dare

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[Losing motivation, so here's a small fun, wholesome chapter to prepare for the next ;)]


It was only a few days later when the hotel was fully restored to its glory, thanks to the supplies brought. Alastor was still mostly missing all the time and Adam and Lute were refusing to talk to anyone but themselves. The question of where they got the money from was still a mystery and what happened on their outing wasn't exactly too clear either. Charlie wasn't very happy with this and organized a fun activity that she hoped all of them could participate in.


"Alright you guys! Since the exterminations are becoming more frequent lately, I think it's time for another one of those trust exercises!" Charlie suggests, finally having gathered all of them into the same room. They didn't exactly look too happy since all the preparing for the exterminations has made them pretty tired. Charlie smiles nervously at their unenthusiastic expressions. "Alrighty then! Umm, since everybody's a little bit tired, how about.. umm.. Vaggie can you help me out here?" she asks her girlfriend, clearly out of ideas on how to motivate the others. Vaggie sighs before taking a good look at the lot, also not very enthusiastic but wanting to support her girlfriend. "Okay, listen up you lowlifes! The next extermination is half a month away, that gives us plenty of time to redeem your pitiful asses!" she shouts at them in a determined tone, her hands on her hips. "You Angel!" she points at the white spider who was carrying Fat Nuggets, "If you don't join, I'm confiscating your drugs!". Angel looked astounded, "What? Ya' can't do that! Those are my drugs! I need those!" he yells back defiantly. "Too bad! Now you have to join." she tells him in a final-sort-of-way. Angel huffs, hugging Fat Nuggets closer to him, "Fine! But ya' ain't touchin' my drugs!". Vaggie then confronts Husk who was at the counter drinking cheap beer. "You!" she demands him, slamming her hand on the counter. Husk didn't budge and ignored her. She glares at him and snatches the bottle from his hand. "Hey! What was that for?" he asks angrily. "Listen to me. If you don't join, I'm taking away all your cheap booze!" she warns him, waving the bottle in front of his face. He snatches it before shooting a glare at her, "Should'a never stayed here in the first place.." he mumbles under his breath. "What was that?", "Nothing! I said I'll join! Jeez.." he replies hastily, taking a swig of his beer. Vaggie rolls her eyes before going to Nifty, who looked weirdly excited for some reason. "Oo! Scold me! Scold me!" she urges her incessantly. Vaggie was a bit perplexed on what to do so she bends down and tries to put on a stern expression, "Alright you little elf! If you don't join, I'm taking away your angelic dagger!" she scolds her in a soft voice. Nifty jumped in excitement, "Okay! Okay! I'll join!" she happily hops around. Vaggie sighs as a soft smile appears on her face, she then frowns as she saw the next person. "Alastor, if you don't join uhh.." she hesitates, not really knowing what Alastor hates. "You'll what dear?" he teases her. Vaggie grumbles as she tries to think of what would piss Alastor off. "You'll.. you'll get a new phone!" she decides, pointing at him. His eyes immediately turn into dials. Vaggie smiles mockingly, remembering that Alastor hated new technology, for some reason. "Hmm. Well, I suppose a little competitive fun doesn't hurt anyone." he smiles, his eyes turning back to normal as if he wasn't angry at all. "Alright, just whatever. Anyways, I don't wanna deal with Lute nor Adam. So you go convince them, then maybe. MAYBE. I'll do you a favor." she tells him. Alastor's ears perk up, his smile widening, "Is that a deal I hear?", "Yeah, whatever, include Lucifer in there too, I'm still a bit.. shy towards him." she replies, holding out her hand hesitantly. Alastor takes it, green magic erupting from around them. "Well then, I guess I should go and fulfill my end of the bargain." he said, walking away while adjusting his bowtie. Vaggie crosses her arms, unsure of what was going to happen. She walks back towards Charlie, helping her arrange the activities she was preparing for the games.

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