Chapter five

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Adeline moved her head the right giving her more access to the pressure points in her head to rub the tension away for some sort of relief. If she didn't do it now and just let herself fall asleep, she knew she would regret it as soon as she woke up in the morning. In one way. All Adeline wanted to do was go outside to confront Felix about what she'd learned; find out why he didn't tell her all of this. However, she wasn't completely sure she believed all of this. It seemed extremely farfetched, more of what you'd find in a fiction book than in her life.

Adeline winced from the loud buzz of her phone. She angrily snatched it from the side and partially opened her eyes, she used her other hand to shield them from the light as much as possible while still being able to see the screen. She let out the moan of aggravation as she read the name onto her lock screen.


What do you want? She typed back to him with the hope her annoyance would seep through. Adeline clumsily climbed from the soft comforts of the bed to shut the lights off and moved the laptop so she could properly get into bed she waited for the reply of her best friend.

Checking on you, making sure you're actually out having fun on holiday instead of in your hotel room. The slow reply came back. Adeline clicked at the back of her mouth, she mulled over what he'd said. She looked down at the comforter having done one thing he mentioned. Being in bed already, at only ten pm she noticed with a quick look at her phone. Adeline chewed the inside of her lip, even though she was doing one thing that was the norm, not all of it had been typical for her on the trip.

Her phone vibrated from the incoming call. She must've been sat there for a while in her own thoughts.

"Hello." She answered it.

"I'm guessing you really are in bed already, aren't you?" Darren's voice scolded her from the other end.

"Erm." She simply replied and played with her fingers.

"You should go out and have a good night out!" Laura's high-pitched shout came from somewhere on the other side of the phone.

Adeline let out a garbled snort.

"I have done somethings different. Met this guy and went to a bar with him earlier." Adeline admitted to her friends.

"Oooh!" She took the phone away from her ear long enough to wince from how loud the squeal was.

"Can we keep the voices down? I kind of have a headache." Adeline groaned at them.

"Take some tablets." Darren demanded instantly.

"No. I don't like taking tablets." Adeline huffed out at the repetitive fight they always have about it.

"Well just don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Laura whisper-shouted now closer to the speaker than before.

"So not a lot's off limits then." She laughed out at her expense.

"Hey." Adeline could almost see her pout and cross her arms at the dig she gave her. She smiled easily as she let herself relax into their soothing energy down the phone.

"When did the parents leave?" Both Darren and Laura asked simultaneously.

"Days ago. The town was full of murders, so they dropped me off to the city earlier than planned and left from here." Adeline boredly explained to them.

"Ooof. Well, I hope this place is better. No wonder why you're staying in so early." Darren lightly teased with worry hidden in its place.

"I mean, it must be looking up for her. After all she's already met someone. Not something she'd do normally this quickly." Laura pipped up, they begun to discuss Adine as if she weren't listening to them. Adeline rolled her eyes and yawned she was getting far more tired than normal with how much her head had been pounding against her skull. From the reminder of it, she could feel it start to come back at full force, her friends bickering had started to make it ten times worse.

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