Chapter 24

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Having no other choice, I danced with him. Causing attention at a ball this large would lead to nothing but trouble. My little squabble with Kyrell won't stop that.

His movements were nice. His hold on me was too comforting. I felt safe within his arms.

And it was so wrong of me to think this way.

"I'm sorry if I offended you." He whispered so quietly I could barely hear him over the music.

"I'm sorry that I left you like that." I truly am. I didn't know what I was doing in the moment. "I was scared to face you again. I was just confused, is all." I was caught off guard. My heart wanting to accept the small things he does. But I know it is not for me.

I'm someone he will leave once we defeat the rebel nobles.

"Confused about what?"

"Why you try to get close to me? I'm only here for so long. After this is all over, you'll be more powerful, not needing to look over your shoulder. And I'll just be an acquaintance that helped you. There is no need for nicknames because we will soon part ways." It hurts to know the truth.

Ever since he found out that I am also a victim to the Claudonias, he stayed closer to me. Making it harder to not fall for his handsome face and kindness.

"Where are you going? Even after we win, you'll still be queen." I'll be leaving you. You will soon realize that Dilana is your lover. The one that can save you and I will not be needed anymore.

He needs to love Dilana. It's the only way of unlocking that part of her gift.

He didn't show it, but I could feel his anger as he walked back. He was annoyed at me. Because I couldn't give him what he wanted.

Even if Kyrell did like me. That wouldn't be able to happen since Dilana needs to break his curse. However you think about it, I'm not needed in any scenario.

Caelus takes me into dance, no doubt annoying Kyrell further.

"What is going on between you and your king, Estella?" He asks, swinging me through.

"No Esty?" I say with my eyebrow raised.

"A certain someone banned me."

I let out a small smile. It's like he's jealous of Caelus.

"How did the meeting go?" I ask the question this time, not answering his.

"We formed an agreement, though I'm not sure how long it will last." Caelus mutters the words, keeping his eyes open around us.

"They will not stop." I talk about the nobles. "No one stops when they want more power."

"I know, which is why this makes things more difficult." He doesn't say anything for a few moments, thinking about something.

"What is it?" I question.

He leans in to whisper in my ear. "Let me kidnap you."

"What?!" I whisper yell back.

Pulling back he slowly explains. "We need to provoke them to act. What better way than to take you?"

I contemplate his idea. If he steals me away, that will surely cause the war to break out. The Istyrian nobles will try to prevent the war, others will question why they don't want to save their own queen. The Osetrian nobles will also not have enough magic stones to fully rebel, leaving them at a disadvantage. This will cause them to resort to smuggling magic stones across the borders.

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