Chapter Five

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Dani ordered us another round of drinks as the door swung open. Almost every hand from the ranch must've decided to come out tonight.

"Looks like he took my invitation," Dani said, smiling.

"He's here?" I asked.

"Lookin' as good as ever." She nodded her head.

I turned to look just as Arlen was making his way over. He wore a t-shirt with a leather jacket over it and jeans, plus the hat he always wears. He smiled once reaching us. "Howdy, ladies," he said.

"Really laying the cowboy on thick, huh?" I asked. "Is it your only personality trait?"

He smirked. "It just might be."

Dani looked between us, eyes narrowing at me as if she suspected I lied about liking Arlen. "I take it this really isn't your type of crowd?" she asked.

"Not really," he answered.

"Hmm," she hummed. "Carter, come with me." She grabbed my arm, dragging me away as she called out that we would be right back.

"What is it?" I asked.

"He's totally into you," Dani spun around to face me, a smile taking over her features. Her eyes were bright and the color of coffee almost matching her hair. "Why didn't you say something before?"

"Because I don't think he's into me. And I'm not into him," I stated.

Dani groaned, rolling her eyes. "Bullshit," she said, over pronouncing every syllable. "Bullshit. Come on, Carter, fun has never killed anybody."

"But it has left them broken hearted."

She huffed, spinning me around and pushing back toward our table. "You need to let loose some." Dani shook my shoulders. "Go dance with him or something."

A blush rose to my face. "You know I hate dancing, Dani."

I could practically hear her roll her eyes at me. "Come on, I think it'll be fun."

"For who?"

"Me, at the very least."

"Oh, well, isn't that great."

"For me, yes. Now go." She gave me one last harsh shove.

I stumbled, unable to keep my footing, and and ran right into Arlen's back. I quickly pushed away from him, laughing nervously as he turned to face me.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, I just-I just tripped. You know?" I stuttered, internally rolling my eyes at myself.

He looked at me for a moment. "You sure you're all right?"

I nodded my head vigorously. "Totally."

I am so going to kill Dani.

"Where's your friend?" Arlen asked.

"Hopefully digging her own grave so I can throw her into it later," I said.

He chuckled. "All right," he said, "well, would you care to dance?"

I internally slapped myself and Dani. "Sure."

He held out his hand as he set his drink down. I took it. He led me- well, more like dragged - me to the dance floor. The song playing was upbeat and loud. I knew it by heart. I began humming it under my breath to try and calm myself down.

I spotted Dani in the corner with a guy. She waved, winking at me. I shot her a glare.

Love you too, she mouthed back.

I yelped in surprise when suddenly I was pulled closer. Arlen took my hand in his, the other landing in my waist.

"You look a little pale, are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine," I said.

Apparently, that was enough to convince him because after that it was a blur of dancing. I could hardly keep up as he spun me around and around. I stumbled quite a few times. Every movement was quick, fast-paced. But then again what did I expect when we're practically square dancing.

Suddenly, the world slowed, no longer spinning. Arlen leaned over me, one arm behind my back holding me up, the other in my own as he dipped me low to the floor. I was breathing heavy, staring up into his eyes.

"Havin' fun yet?" he asked, smiling.

I smiled back. "Yeah, I am." It wasn't even a lie.


"That was so much fun!" Dani exclaimed as I pushed through the door to my house.

"Shh, my dad might be asleep," I told her.

"Oh, okay. Sorry," she said, whispering awfully loud. She was definitely tipsy. "That was so much fun!" she repeated, more hushed than before.

"You're right," I admitted.

"You had fun, you had fun," she sang, poking my side.


"I'm going to crash on your couch, okay?" she slurred.



I sat on the back porch the next morning, knees pulled to my chest as I held back tears. I buried my face in my knees, sniffling. This can't happen. Please, it just can't.

I can't lose him too.

"Carter?" A voice asked.

I lifted my eyes. "Oh, hey, Lee." I wiped my eyes, blinking. "Do you need something?"

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?" Lee repeated, stepping up onto the porch.

"He's getting worse," I whispered. "He's so sick. He won't let me or the doctors help him. I just...I can't lose him too."

Lee sighed. "I know how you feel. When my mom was sick...It was horrible to have to watch hee go through that knowing I couldn't do a damn thing to help her."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Just...keep hoping," Lee told me. "Never give up on him."

A/N: Hi, sorry for.the short chapter. Hope you liked it! ❤

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