Chapter 1: A Foreboding Discovery

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Detective James Mitchell parked his car in front of the old, abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town. The rain fell steadily as he raised his collar and held up his umbrella. It was a gloomy evening, but James was determined to do his job, regardless of the weather.

He stepped out and walked to the front door, his hand resting on the cold metal handle. With a sigh, he pushed the door open and entered the dark interior of the mansion. The smell of dampness and neglect hung heavily in the air, and James suppressed a shiver as he ventured further inside.

His flashlight illuminated the hallway as he walked slowly forward, his eyes sharp, searching for any sign of life. But the mansion seemed deserted, except for the sound of rain tapping against the windows. James felt a knot in his stomach as he realized he was alone, in the middle of this abandoned place.

Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him, a soft shuffling that made his heart pound in his chest. He turned abruptly, his flashlight flashing through the darkness. But there was nothing to be seen, only the empty hallway stretching out before him.

With a sigh of relief, James turned back and continued on his way through the mansion. He knew he was here for a reason, and he was determined to find out what was going on. But as he ventured deeper into the dark interior of the mansion, he did not know that his life was about to change forever.

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