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slight sa warning!!


My morning is so rushed and busy today, my hair isn't hairing my face isn't facing what on earth is happening.


Eventually I get myself out of the house looking exactly the same as I did when I got out of bed. Finally I have some time to scroll through my phone, sitting in my car on the pavement. A few messages from Bella, a few from Olivia filled with dirty talk, which I furrow my eyebrows at, and one from an unknown number.

Intrigued, I click on it.

Thank you, Lils.        1:46AM

I smile at my phone instantly at the nickname, knowing exactly who it is. Images of our interaction flash through my mind as I type out my response.

Anytime, Mels.        7:43AM

She reads my message almost straight away, making me drop my phone in surprise. I leave it there and think to myself for a few minutes, not hearing it buzz. I start the car and put the phone in the cup holder. I pull off the curb and start making the familiar journey to school. About halfway in, my phone buzzes, making me jump. I know it's against the law to look at a screen whilst driving but I'm an absolute rebel. Luckily there was no one behind or in front of me on the road as I stopped so aggressively and I was flung forwards. The message on my phone made my mouth dry.

Where are you this morning? I think I miss your constant annoying me.

My mouth hung open for a moment as I composed myself. My finger started writing the reply for me.

Driving over the speed limit just for you Mels. 

Seen almost instantly after I sent it. She was waiting on the chat for me to reply. I threw my phone onto the seat next to me and stood on the accelerator, speeding so far over the limit. After what should've been an 8 minute journey but was really 4, I got to my parking spot and threw my bag over my shoulder, practically sprinting to her classroom. 

I made it to room 7 in record time, slamming through the door. Her blonde head snapped up and she had such a scared look on her face I burst out laughing. When she knew it was me, she smiled softly, her eyes relaxing. 

'You came so fast' She pulled a face

I nodded and smirked at her.

'Your message sped me up' I scratched my jaw. 

She slightly narrowed her eyes and shook her head slowly, making strong eye contact with me. After a few seconds of just staring at eachother, a familiar song started coming from inside my rucksack. 

Age ain't nothing but a number, Aaliyah.

My ringtone. Clearly I had forgotten to turn my ringer off. I walked over, covering my face with one hand out of embarrassment, and reach for my phone. As I unzipped the pocket I hear Miss McDonald murmur

'Good song choice'

That made me smile to myself as I read Olivias contact name at the top of my screen. 

I pick up the phone and smile as I hear her voice on the other end.

O: hi sexy

L: hey sweetheart, you okay?

O: im fantastic, where are you right now??

L: just in the library, why?

I see a frown appear on Melissa's face, but it disappears fast.

Yes, Miss?Where stories live. Discover now