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Three: Late Night Hauntings

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Arietta's heart sped fast. Too fast. She held a hand up, one finger raised. "Watch," she told Talia.

"Naya." The dark leopard cub in front of her looked up, curiosity in her big yellow-green eyes. The cubling's gaze followed Arietta's finger back and forth—a second behind.

When Arietta held her finger still, Naya wiggled her little tail and batted a paw at Arietta's hand. Love mixed with concern, forming a toxic cocktail in her stomach.

Talia scooped Naya up and looked at her claws before checking her heartbeat. Head tilted to the side, she then listened to the youngling's breathing. "Everything else seems normal."

"Except her response time," Arietta confirmed.

"Hmm," Talia frowned at the cubling, checking in Naya's ears.

Naya gave a small mew.

"You don't think it has something to do with the serum?" Arietta asked.

When Naya's mother, Sarai, was held captive after an attack on the Southern Shifter Territory, she'd been pregnant when Reison and Governor Quinn used her and the other shifters for their experiments. Naya had been exposed to the serum and the experiments in the womb, which made her different from the other younglings.

This morning was the first time Arietta noticed something off about the little one. It had been enough to make her go running to the infirmary and to Talia to help her figure out what was wrong.

"I have no way to confirm the specific symptoms or side effects of the serum," Talia said, brushing a palm over Naya's head. "As it is, the side effects you experienced may vary with what Naya may experience because of the difference in both magic and biology."

Arietta chewed at her bottom lip. She crouched down in front of the exam table they had Naya on. The little cubling was hardly longer than the length of her forearm, though her paws were clearly growing. Arietta imagined it wouldn't be too long before the little one had a growth spurt.

And she would be here to see it.

The thought made her chest swell. She would get to be here as Naya grew. It was a gift.

That was why it was imperative she figure out what was happening with Naya and settle it. She could not live with herself if...

All of her efforts, everything she had done with the shifters up to today, had all been for this cubling and the promise she'd made to Naya's mother. She would do whatever was necessary to keep Naya safe, just as she promised Sarai.

Just as her own mother had done for her.

"The little ones," Arietta half turned to look up at Talia. "How does their magic usually manifest?"

Talia gestured to Naya. "You're already witnessing it. The magic and connection to the shifter are from birth. A shifter child starts as their animal side, then after a few years, they'll have their first shift to their human side."

Arietta's brain raced ahead. "Wielder children don't usually manifest their ability until anywhere from six to eight years of age."

"Is it possible the serum can cause her to manifest early?" Talia mused.

Arietta did not know. "It's possible, right? If the magic was introduced to her early on, could it have affected Naya's natural timeline?"

"There are too many variables to tell," Talia said.

Worry churned Arietta's gut. She scratched under the cubling's chin. "We'll need to keep an eye on her."


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