'Territorial Bitch.

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She was 16 when she met Lucy Vives.

It's the first month of Junior year, and she's late for the first class of the morning as usual—History. Mrs. Edwards looks unimpressed but doesn't scold her. She gestures for her to sit.

She never scolds or sends her to the principal's office for her delay, probably because Lauren is one of the few in class who actively participates.

History is one of her favorite subjects. It teaches the nature of humans and what shaped the world into what it is today. Indeed, sometimes, it can get dull and dry. Still, Lauren thinks History is vital to learn from previous mistakes and avoid them. Lately, they've been covering the US foreign policies in the Middle East, which Lauren is passionate about.

So when Matty McGowan opens his ignorant mouth and says, "If you ask me, we should just leave them to drown in their shit. I don't get why we gotta play the heroes and go running to rescue them only to get rapid by bombs going off in our backyards."

Lauren, naturally, can't stay silent. "Oh. Look," she says dryly, "Someone didn't read their homework and is eating up whatever tribe the media is selling."

"What, Jauregui?" Matty snarls and leans forward, his long, shaggy hair falling over his narrowed eyes. He's got that 'dark' thing going on with his tattoos, ripped jeans, and dark eyes. Lauren thinks he'd perhaps be her type if he weren't such a misogynistic, ignorant and racist asshole. (If she was capable of feeling attracted to boys).

Lauren looks him square in the eye. "All that 'shit' the middle east is drowning in is directly because of the good ol' USA's fucked up foreign policies— Sorry!" she says when Mrs. Edwards makes a noise of dismay at the increasing swearing, "Let's take Afghanistan as an example. It's being torn to pieces in the fight between the Taliban and the US. But did you know that the US was the one to arm the Taliban in the first place?"

Matty sits back and rolls his eyes hard. "Bullshit."

 "Matty," Mrs. Edwards admonishes, "If you aren't adding anything productive to the discussion, keep quiet."

"She's right," A voice says behind her. Lauren turns in her chair and is surprised to see a girl she's positive she's never seen in this class before. Her brown hair is pulled up in a loose bun, a bandana wrapped around her head, and an oversized flannel thrown over a graphic t-shirt. She looks careless and carefree. She looks gorgeous. Lauren almost misses what she says.

"The Middle East has been wrecked by Western powers who fought over land and people and resources that didn't rightfully belong to them. What better way to control a country's oil than to completely destabilize the country and set up a radical, ruthless dictator that they have in their pockets? It's what's happening in Iraq, Libya, and Syria."

Lauren stares at her in awe because this girl isn't just pretty; she's also intelligent and well-spoken, which makes Lauren feel something.

"Right," Lauren says slowly, trying not to be too evident in her staring. I think a lot of things wouldn't have looked so bad if the US hadn't invaded Iraq back in 2003."

She's still looking at the girl, her body turned sideways in her chair, and the girl smiles at her. She has the prettiest fucking smile, and Lauren instinctively smiles back.

"The biggest failure in the history of US foreign policy," she says. And Lauren thinks she's fallen in love right then and there.

Lucy is outspoken, fierce, bright, and beautiful as a summer day. The first few times she hangs out with Lucy, she spends figuring out whether she's into girls. She doesn't tell Camila about her initially, and she is unsure why.

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