3• Mother-in-law's terms

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Due to my eyes that are still swollen, I almost called in to try and get the afternoon shift, but I didn't bother.

I entered the kitchen to see Mrs Wong making breakfast.

"Good morning." I greet her.

"Good morning." She nods, looking at me as I reached for my tea cup to make an instant coffee. "Tayiemah, what do you have planned for J'ai's' birthday?"

It is tomorrow.

"Just a few gifts since his friends planned a little trip of sorts for him." I shrugged and she hummed.

"How is work?" Came her other question

"It's good. It's more like an hobby than a job so I enjoy it."

"Let's say something came up and you have to leave your job. How do you think it will be of an impact on your life by that sudden change?" She inquired, putting together some sandwiches.

"It depends. If it's a family emergency or an heath problem then it's understandable. I'm close with the owner so I can get time off or I can simply work in another area if I leave and has to return to it."

She hums again.

Wahm'n tu this Ooman?

"J'ai intends to marry you and he's obviously serious about his decision. What I need you to know is that I'll only allow it based on my terms." She revealed and my cup slipped and fell from my hand.

It smashes and breaks in many pieces on the floor.

"Wha... What d..do you mean?" I stuttered, looking at her with disbelief.

"If you intend to marry my son, the moment he is engaged to you, I need you to resign from your job or jobs. He must be able to provide for you in every way possible. Financially, you'll be doing things the way my family goes at it. He'll give you a credit card apart from your personal one and the shared account that you both have. Your job is to submit to his every need. His job is to prove to you and us his parents that he's capable of being a man, a husband and one day a father. You'll no longer be classified as his girlfriend, seeing as you both get pass the stage of living together. Now you're required to be his wife and to fullfil those duties. Nine hours of work is crazy if you intend to be a Wong. You shouldn't be doing more hours than your husband. An looking so overworked and stressed as you were yesterday, unacceptable."

I'm still in shock by her words that I turned realizing that J'ai just walked in and heard his mother.

"Ma." He looked relieved.

"Do something productive for your birthday. This engagement must be done while I'm here." She looked at us. "Tayiemah, if you intend to marry my son, learning to make his favorite Korean and Japanese meals is a requirement. Don't be late for work and don't stay out too late. If J'ai is the one making you cry, learn to throw a slipper or shoes at his head."

I don't know what to say.

I almost smiled but I couldn't.

Though J'ai seems to be the happiest that I've ever seen.

He went to hug his mom who pretends she doesn't like his touch.

Mommy would do the same too, so I guess it's a motherhood thing.

Mrs Wong left us sandwiches and went with the rest for her husband.

J'ai moved me away from the splinters, feeding me and not once has the smile on his face left.

I moved his hand, unable to open my mouth to eat. My appetite has left just like that.

"We can get married, baby." He rejoices, holding my face so I can look at his eyes directly. "We can start planning..."

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