9. Toughen up, darling

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There's no wedding night, of course. I never held my breath for it. Magnus doesn't even bother to come back into the room that is supposedly his for the rest of the night. I toss and turn on the soft bed all night, instead, watching the netted fabric hanging from the bedposts flutter along with the wind. 

I see the sky turn darker and quieter until the sun takes over, casting a warm glow inside the chamber.

Kayla's face never leaves my mind. And my last words to Alec haunt me. 'Go, Alec. Get out of here! You're a guard. You should know your place,' I had yelled at him. 

While the human maids helped me around during the day to adjust to this new, strange place, I didn't have it in me to strike any indulging conversation. 

The only question that has been plaguing me is: what happened there, after I left, that turned Alec into a rogue werewolf?

Rogueness is complicated but it can be as easily triggered. We werewolves are supernatural creatures, our abilities and senses heightened; which unfortunately includes our emotions. Something as plain as the loss of a loved one can mess with the intricacies of our brains, ending in loss of all emotions and feelings.

I've made up half a mind to stay in bed all day when sudden commotion near the chamber entrance jolts me up. I'm ready on my feet, alert enough to fight back if anyone attacks me.

But all I see is the calm and soothing face of a young woman my age who just entered and on the way toppled over a massive vase.

"I'm sorry about the mess," she apologizes to the maids that instantly crouch down to pick up the shattered pieces. Then she tiptoes her way to me, a grin taking over her face.

She has the bluest eyes I've ever seen, her dark brown hair cascading down her elegant shoulders in resemblance to Magnus.

"My brother is an idiot," she remarks, confirming my suspicions. "You must be Elara. Welcome to the family."

I want to laugh because she's the first family member I've met and I don't even know her name.

She proceeds to wrap her arms around me and I freeze briefly, unsure of how to respond. Then hesitantly, I put my hands around her petite figure.

"You're just how I expected you to be," she tells me, letting go of me. But her blue eyes intensely  studies my face. "Shy and beautiful."

"I'm not shy," I blurt out before I can hold back. "Just taken by surprise. I'm sorry I just woke up," I add with a shrug.

For a moment I'm sure I've said something wrong because her hands drop from my shoulders and she blinks several times, her gaze lowering to the ground. The she begins to laugh and I'm more confused than ever.

She turns around, sparing a glance to the maids that have just finished up cleaning the wreck she made. "I've been practising. Acting, of course! My brother doesn't approve. He thinks it's for humans. But he isn't aware that bo one cares what he thinks," she continues, before striding to the bed and plopping herself on it. "You almost thought you hurt me, didn't you? Well, if I know anything about you now, I know that you're just like me."

That makes me smile. I don't know why but I feel light-hearted even if for a brief moment.

She picks at the embroidery of a pillow, a frown forming on her face. "My manners have gone to hell. My mother must be rolling in her grave right now. I should've asked before entering your chambers. I apologise for that," she says, her voice dropping to a low, soft tone.

She reminds me of Alina, I realise. Her enthusiasm and disregard for the rest of the world. And her bright smile.

It breaks my heart.

I walk to her and smile. "I'm Elara Wildewood. A beta of the Lunar Crest pack. Former beta. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your highness," I add unsurely at the end, attempting a curtsy.

"No, no," she protests but the grin is back on her face. "You're royalty now. Don't regard me as your highness. You can call me by my name." When I raise an eyebrow at her, only then it seems to strike her mind. "Oh, you don't know my name? Bastard! Magnus didn't even care to tell you? I'm going to have his head on a spike."

"Why am I hearing plans of my murder this early in the morning?" Magnus' voice resounds in the room, making us turn our heads collectively.

I've overcome by anger when his face comes into view. He looks smug, like he owns this place. Which he does. But he should be sorry for his actions. For his behaviour.

"I didn't know you were back, Ruelle," he says, a sense of suspicion in his voice as he gives her a side hug. "Have you brought blueberries for me from Qaiven?"

My sister-in-law, clearly misses the strangeness in his voice, and giggles. "Don't be silly, brother. You hate blueberries. Even if it meant becoming King of Caelondor, you still wouldn't eat them."

Magnus laughs at that — one that seems to come from within. "Now that's the only cause for which I'd put myself through the torture of eating them," he mumbles.

Ruelled laughs before she remembers her last words to me. "Did you seriously not tell her about me? That's not even allowed." 

"Frankly, we didn't get enough time to talk," he tells her and she scoffs in response.

"Well, that's my fault. I expected too much of you," she taunts him. Then her eyes dart back to me. "I hope we can breakfast together, if you don't mind. I'm starving too."

I lick my lips, wetting them before I reply, "Sure."

Then she leaves us alone in the room. The maids have disappeared too.

Now is the time to talk to him.

"Is Alec still alive?" I shoot my question before Magnus can disappear too.

He seems taken back by my question. He smirks, tugging at the cufflinks of his vest before he answers, "So no 'fuck you' this time around? Honestly, I'm surprised Elara that you didn't throw that tankard at me." He points at the table beside me. "After all I did say, you can scream all at me in private."

I grit my teeth, holding back my anger. "Magnus, is Alec still alive?"

"Get ready now. Look like you belong here, in this palace and not in an independent pack," he remarks, turning on his heels.

"Magnus," I call out his name as he begins to walk away, but I can't manage anything louder than a whisper. I sound defeated, pathetic even. "Why are you tormenting me? I've done nothing wrong to you."

I hear him exhale heavily before he walks back to me. His finger lifts up my chin, making me look into those ridiculous golden eyes. For a moment, I'm terrified. I truly understand just how intimidating he is for the very first time.

"Don't give up so soon, darling. Toughen up a little. You have to survive this royal life. Let me remind you again: this isn't going to be easy," he educates me.

I expect him to continue so I don't say anything. I don't actually think I have the strength to say anything.

I see Magnus study the features of my face yet again. Something flashes across his eyes. Then he lets go of my chin, turning away. I suck in a breath before his words finally breathe back life into me. "He's alive. We've imprisoned him in the dungeons below."

My voice is pleading when I get closer to him only to see him flinch, "Can I meet him? Please. I won't ask for anything else. Just let me meet him once."

Magnus brings his gaze back to me for a fleeting moment. There's a long pause while he considers my plea. Finally, he mumbles, "Yes."

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