Chapter 8-Ashton

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The noise in the cafeteria was getting to him. As a werewolf, Ashton's sense of hearing was heightened. So was his sense of smell, Darcy's perfume was almost overpowering and made him want to throw up. But it made for a nice distraction from the girl who smelled like strawberries.

"So, I said to her 'God that dress is disgusting', and she, like took offence to that. Can you believe that? ...Ash? Are you even listening to me?"

"Of course I was," Ashton replied, refraining from rolling his eyes. "Some people are just so sensitive."

"I know, right?" Darcy said, squeezing his arm like a heart pressure cuff before going back to her monologue.

Ashton tuned her out again. Pretending to be interested in Darcy was a distraction, albeit an annoying one. She was either too dumb to realize how she seemed to other people, or she just didn't care. Honestly, Ashton hoped it was the latter because than her presence would be a little more tolerable. Inevitably, Ashton's thoughts went back to the girl he shoved in a closet.

Brayden Hayward. She was a complication he hadn't anticipated and never thought he'd have to deal with. The sooner she realized she didn't belong in his school, the better. When he was talking to her, he actually found himself enjoying the banter and how she was holding her own. He felt himself being mesmerized by the way she touched the tip of her tongue to her upper lip before she said something and how she wrinkled her nose when she was deep in thought. When he realized he was actually noticing her little quirks it scared him shitless. He wasn't a relationship guy and the yapping redhead next to him was the reason why. But Brayden was making him rethink that philosophy and that was one of the reasons why he shoved her in the closet. That and seeing her smiling at Cameron fucking Stiles annoyed the shit out of him. As much as he found himself hating her, he also found himself attracted to her. He'd be lying if he said his cock didn't twitch when she was screaming at him to release her. He was picturing her screaming his name under different circumstances and it made him rock hard.

"Ash? You okay?" he heard Zachary ask, interrupting his dirty thoughts about Brayden.

Ashton shook his head to clear it of thoughts about Wolf Girl and focused on his friend. He noticed that Darcy was no longer next to him. He was relieved but he was curious at what point she noticed he wasn't paying attention to her and left him alone. He was also curious about what kind of retaliation she had in store for him for ignoring her.

"Darcy saw you were staring off into space about five minutes ago and went to join the football team," Clayton said, answering Ashton's unasked question.

"Thank God for that," Ashton replied, rolling his eyes. "I don't—"

"You shoved her in a closet!" Devon growled, slamming his lunch tray in front of Ashton.

Ashton looked up at his brother confused. He vaguely noticed Zachary and Clayton skulking away. Maybe they sensed that the brothers were about to throw down and they wanted to stay well out of the way. Those two never really said that much, but they were much smarter than Ashton gave them credit for. Based on the look on Devon's face, his brother was feeling downright murderous. But Ashton wasn't the type to back down. That was why he was the Alpha and Devon wasn't.

"How did you...?" Ashton asked slowly before his eyes widened and his lip curled back. If he had been in wolf form, his fangs would be showing. "You damn bastard. You fucking mind-linked with me?!"

"I felt like I had to," Devon replied calmly. As much as his brother annoyed him and overstepped, it never failed to amaze Ashton how Devon's moods could switch that quickly which was why he never completely understood why his brother gave up being Alpha. Devon was much less hot- headed than he was. "You know how you get when you delve too far into Ashton Land and I saw that you had it in for that girl. What possible reason could you have for shoving Brayden into a closet besides the fact that she's your mate and you're in denial?"

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