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They're probobaly just playing with me, but im so worried about them.

"anything 4 u bbg 💯❤" Ena remembers that line so well. What if... What if they actually try to do it?

Ugh. Im such a stupid idiot. I really should shut up about killing themselves.

"Why are you so silent all of a sudden Enanaann??" Mizuki interrupts.

"... Im sorry."


"Just... Nevermind, just forget it."

"Ena." the pink haired's tone changes. It makes Ena shiver. Uhh? What do i reply with...

"Whatever happens, im here. Please tell me what happened."

"......" Ughh its going to sound so stupid!!! But do i have a choice? I don't want to lie and I TRULY want to know what Mizuki will say, but I know that they're just going to laugh... "Please don't leave me."

"Oh?" Mizuki softens once again, yet still a bit of a cold tone left. Aarghh fuuck!! Why did i say that.. "My love, I can sign a contract with the devil for my soul to never leave you. You are so dear to me, i lay in bed with my eyes wide, overthinking if you hate me or not."

I-i didnt expect that...??! Enas heart rate becomes faster. Why... Why so formal and extra?? She notices as the pink haired smirks wide. Back to the normal Mizuki, huh.

"You don't seem to be in a really good mood, hm? I can change that~" Just like that, they threw her on the ground, getting really close. Uuh... The brunette blushes as Mizukis lips are olny a few inches apart hers. Fuck fuck fuuck!! Why now, Mizuki?! Although, at the same time, Ena wants it badly, just a bit too shy to admit.

"Hehehe~ just kidding!! I can't always give you affection, enaa!" Mizuki rolls Ena untill she turns into a big snowball.

"Gaah! Mizu, w-what the fuck!?" this is the person that I fell for. Some stupid cute idiot!!

"You said you don't want a normal snowman, so here's a snowhuman!!!"

"Are you just going to connect me to the ground and make me some decoration to your house??"

"I guess so! Cause you're really pretty and you sure will make my house prettier even than how it is!!~"

"Stop with the flirts!!! ... Although, t-thank you...." she couldnt help but blush like a tomato. "But that doesn't matter, get me the fuck out of this layers of snow! IM FREEZING!!!"

"Okay, okay! Jeez.... You're no fun, Ena!"

"Okay?? But do you think id risk my life just for this?!"


Sigh. "You shouldn't have permission to talk."

although... I actually really hope they don't stop talking. They're so adorable.

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