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Watching James walk down the hallway filled me with an unfamiliar sadness. It felt as if I'd gotten a gift but then lost it the same day. A frown settled on my lips at the thought. Was it insane to say that his night over wasn't enough? That I already missed his company?

Surely our sleepovers would be rare occasions.

Well, rather they should be rare occasions. I don't think I have the restraint to deny him another night if he asked me.

I could picture his small smirk and his dark eyes as he stood outside my door again, maybe with a little gift as a thank you for being so amazing.

My little fantasy made me snicker as I closed the door and leaned against it.

Maybe I'll act shocked and deny the gift the first time then accept it hesitantly the second after he insisted...

I shook my head, refusing to get caught up in my delusional fantasy world as I made my way to my living room, "I'm thinking too far ahead.. He hasn't even asked me on a date yet." I twang of angst made my nose scrunch in displeasure.

"Yet he's slept over.. had me in his lap.. seen too much of my body.." I listed our intense acts with a soft sigh as my anxious hands got busy with cleaning up our morning mess.

I grabbed our thrown blankets, "I've been too easy for him!" I insisted as I began to fold them, "Well,.. it's not often a man like James shows interest in me.. nor has any treated me how he has." I defended my actions as I stuffed my blankets back into my closet.

"Sure we got drunk and had a little moment! It was all with pure intention." I made my way to the kitchen to clean up our breakfast too, "The kiss was sweet.." I could feel a smile fight it's way onto my lips as I began washing our dishes.

The memory of our kiss made me feel as if I was floating.

The first kiss was so sweet and gentle as a shy little peck. But then he wanted more.

I silently screamed as I closed my eyes to capture that feeling again. His feeling and desire for me was so apparent with how hard he kissed me. I fear if he added more pressure, we would have fallen into my bed.

My cheeks turned hot at the thought, "Alice!" I scolded myself as I dried my hands and rushed my way to my bedroom. I didn't realize he had left his wallet until I walked past the entry hall again, "Oh!" My eyes widened as I slowly made my way closer.

I felt guilty as I picked the leather pocket up. The action felt so wrong that it made me look around the room to check for disapproving looks.

Seeing that the coast is clear was all I needed to make me open the wallet and see what he held.

Cards, cash, and a couple quarters didn't peak my interest. What I wanted was something sentimental, that gave me more of an idea of who James is.

My fingers greedily sifted through until the texture of paper caught my attention. I pulled it out to see a folded up photo. My brows crinkled as I carefully unraveled it.

The girl inside was beautiful.

Her deep brown eyes were just like James' but her smile was brighter and made her cheeks chubby and rosy. Her straight hair fell down her shoulders and a thick headband kept her strays away.

She looked to be around age twelve which made my heart beat faster, "A daughter?.." The realization almost made me drop the photo. With shaky hands I slowly folded it just as it was before and put it back in its place.

My hand dropped his wallet back on the table as I slowly made my way back to my couch. I flopped down as my head fell into my hands, "A kid!" I hysterically laughed as I tiredly shook my head, "What's next? A wife?!" The idea made my stomach sick.

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