Chapter 75: You are certainly bold to come after me

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"You've got to be kidding me" Avery muttered.

"We can go into the mansion, if you want" He said.

"No, I don't want anyone to know I'm here" Avery replied. It'll be so awkward for her. Especially once they find out she is about to spend the night here.

"You can go sleep in the mansion, I'll stay here" She said and Lucas chuckled.

"Are you sending me away?" He asked raising his brow.

"Your room is in the mansion. What? You want to sleep here?" Avery asked. Though, the place was comfortable for one to live in.

"I prefer staying there than my room. Here is quiet and comfortable. I don't allow anyone in here.. well except you" He said lightly still keep his gaze on the fire before him.

Avery was conflicted by Lucas's words. Should she be grateful that he was allowing her to stay here, or was it his obligation to help her? She took a deep breath to calm her turbulent thoughts. The cold air was making her shiver, and her damp clothes were clinging to her body.

As if sensing her discomfort, Lucas spoke again. "There's a fresh set of clothes in the bedroom, the ones I bought for Luxury. They're a little too big for her, but they should fit you."

"No, I don't need it," Avery said stubbornly.

Avery sat on the couch, trying to control her chattering teeth. She felt miserable and wet, and her clothes were sticking to her like a second skin. As she huddled against the back of the couch, she heard Lucas's footsteps approaching. He sat down next to her, and she stiffened, feeling nervous and exposed in her drenched clothing.

"You're freezing," he observed, his voice gentle but insistent. "You'll get sick if you stay in those wet clothes."

Avery didn't respond, but she knew he was right. She was starting to feel the beginnings of a chill. She could also feel her heart fluttering at his word, what is wrong with her?

Lucas sighed softly and stood up to take the cloth from his drawer. "Here, take these" He said dropping it before the stubborn woman who didn't bother giving him a look. He went back to the fire place and continue his reading.

After reading for a long time, Lucas decided to finally look at the woman and found her sleeping soundly on his couch. she didn't even wore the cloth he gave to her, and she curled up like a ball. Her constant cold face was now calm, this woman is sure stubborn. He covered her with a duvet and left the place.


Calton shoot went really smooth. The director was so grateful as he didn't expect Calton to appear to his studio since he is a an international model.

Rana was right about this man. His work are smooth.. even though he was not too equiped like other shoots directors, he is talented.

"This is really good" Calton complimented as the director show him one of his shoot. The director has a big smile on his face.

"Thank you so much for coming" The director said. His voice sounded like he was about to cry. "I won't disappoint you Mr Calton"

"You're welcome" Calton stated and pat his shoulder.

After the shoot, Calton decided to head home while Rana decided to head towards the Wins Company.

Getting home, a sweet aroma penetrated him nose. He had almost forgotten he had a woman and a kid in his home. He took quiet steps towards the kitchen and found Delphine making a meal.

She was so focus, she didn't even noticed him walk in.

Calton decided to stay and watch her with his arms folded. The small bright smile on her face made her look more beautiful as she focused on the meal she was making. She was wearing a comfortable gown which barely touched her knee. Her skin smooth and her body frame is the one any man would drool at.

"Dad!" Davidson called from behind and Delphine look back at him. When did he come back?

"Hey ranger" Calton crouched before him and ruffled the boy's hair. He was strangely geting used to be called Dad by him.

"Dad! I really love this house. Mom is so thankful for it.. same as me" he said.

"You're welcome" Calton grin.

"I gotta go play, bye dad" Davidson said and run back.

Calton stood up and face Delphine.

"Welcome" she greeted, feeling a bit nervous. "I just wanted to make something for you to eat. I mean you left early without eating so.."

"I understand, I really appreciate what you're doing. Can I help?" He asked.

"No, you should take a rest. I'll finish soon anyway" Delphine shook her head but the man advanced towards her. Reaching the counter, he took a knife and the cabbage which was not yet slice. "Calton.." Her remaining words hang back when the man began to slice them. He was so good with it which made her jaw drop.

"I love cooking too, so we should cook together from now on" he stopped and look at her with a smile.

Delphine's cheek turn red. First, the man was so close to her and his handsome face always seems to make her heart skip a beat.

"O..Kay" She stuttered.

Calton loves to see her stun look whenever he is around her.

Meanwhile Rana got back to the Wins entertainment industry. She found Chantel busy with some paper work.

"Anything I can help you with?" She asked.

Chantel looked up at her. "How did the shoot go? I hope my son didn't give you too much problem"

"Calton is just like you. Did you give me a lot of problem during your time?" Rana asked back with a smile.

"Are you knowingly returning the question back to me?" Chantel asked and the both chuckled.

"Maybe.. what can I do for you?" She asked again walking towards her.

"Chicken steaks will do. I've been craving for it in two days now" Chantel replied.

Rana bought out her phone and order for a delivery for her. "They'll be here soon"

Chantel nodded and return her gaze back to the file.

"I'm just going to sit here until you tell me what you're so focus on" Rana said tilting her head on side.

"Since you're managing my son for now, I don't wanna stress you. Enzo my appear in my dream"

Rana chuckled. "He's the one who's scared of you.. not the other way round. Beside I'm always ready to help when it comes to you" She added.

"There's something weird about this guy called Trevor. His family might be related to someone we know so well" Chantel finally let the cat out of the bag.

Before Rana could speak, Chantel's telephone rang, she picked it. She was informed she have a visitor.

"Let her in" Chantel said.

After a while, a woman was pushed in. Immediately Chantel's eyes met with hers, they turn cold. She had come just like she predicted. The woman was pushed on a wheelchair by her assistant, her face was held high.

Rana eyes squinted at the woman, she sure know her from the past but couldn't seem to get who she is.

"Hello Chantel, I finally get to meet again after so many years" The woman spoke with a smooth, arrogant voice.

"What took you so look before visiting me Yasmin" Chantel smirked.

"Yasmine" Rana muttered.

She immediately remembered the name.. she is...

Chantel's smirk widened. "So you are here for revenge of your elder sister, Yulia, are you?" she purred. "My, my, Yasmine, you're certainly bold to come after me." She narrowed her eyes, her gaze as sharp as a razor.

Yasmine's expression hard, but her heart was pounding in her chest. She knew Chantel was dangerous and crazy, but she was determined to make her pay for her crimes. "I'm not afraid of you, Chantel and I'm going to make you pay for what you did to Yulia" she shot.

Chantel chuckled and grin. "Then you must be stupid"

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