one | get your head in the game

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*Survivor Series Wargames, November 25th 2023; The Allstate Arena in Rosemont, IL*

This is it.

Randy Orton is making his return after eighteen months on the shelf thanks to The Bloodline. And he's going to show his peers and his fans that he still got it and that he has more to show and prove to the wrestling world that he's one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time.

It's an hour before his return and he's doing some stretches to clear his head.

A lot has happened to him outside of his career too...

He's newly divorced from his second wife after she was unfaithful to him while he was in rehab for his back injury.

He took a deep breath as he did situps, trying to shake off all the negativity out of his head.

"How can you do this to me Kim? Was I not good enough for you?!" Randy spat as he caught Kim having sex with a boy old enough to be their son "And you had the audacity to fucking do it in our bedroom, IN MY HOUSE?!" His voice boomed angrily

"I'm not happy anymore Randy! Kevin gives me the things that you weren't able to for almost a year!" Kim cried back

Randy let out a hollow chuckle "It wasn't my fucking choice! I was injured Kimberly! Did you really think I'm not having sex with you on purpose?" He asked mockingly "I am frustrated too but I didn't go find myself a young bitch to sleep with!" He spat "I'm so fucking done with you and this marriage."

"No Randy please-"

"No, I made up my mind! You have no idea how painful it is to do just basic things and instead of being there for me, you're out here playing house with a boy who's old enough to be your son!" He picked up his bags "Expect the divorce papers soon Kimberly, I want you and your things fucking gone when I get back" He slammed the door behind him and never looked back for at least two weeks so that his ex wife can move out completely.

He thanks his lucky stars that he signed a postnup too.

That was almost a year ago... And now he's just focusing on his career and being a father to his teenage daughter, Alanna.

"Hey man, you ready?" Cody smiled and helped him up once he finished his situps.

"Yeah. I'm ready to bring it man, I missed being back here." He admits

"How are you holding up with the divorce getting finalized?" Cody asked in worry for his friend

"Honestly? I'm doing alright. I was a little worried about Alanna adjusting to all of this but she's very smart for her age." Randy sighed

"Unlucky for us we were mischevious teenagers back then." He joked, making the older man laugh

"You got that right." He pats Cody's shoulder "I gotta go get ready man, see you later." He smirked before going to the locker room to change into his gear

"See you later man!" Cody hollered one last time

He was ecstatic that Cody called him to be part of  Wargames. And now he's going to make the most of this chance to be in the ring again.

"I know papa, it's not like I can- oof!" Before Randy knew it,  he felt something wet on his tshirt "Oh god! I'm so sorry!" The girl tore herself from her conversation and grabbed her handkerchief "I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm a freaking klutz." The redhead tried to wipe the latte off his shirt

"No real harm done darlin', you alright?" He asked her, who somehow seemed familiar to him

"Yeah, I'm just a little bad at multitasking." The girl smiled apologetically

"Be careful next time okay?" He nodded

"I will." She smiled as Randy kept going to his locker room

She really does look familiar to him but he couldn't put a finger on it

"For fucks sake Randall, get your head in the game! It's the first time you've encountered a woman since your divorce and you're out here acting like a creep. She looks like she's too young for you anyway." His mind screamed

Randy shook his head and just got inside his locker room and got himself ready.

Little did he know, he'll see her again. As a coworker and Alanna's favorite person on the internet


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