Chapter Seven: War and Protection

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Nostradamus is making something when Catherine comes into his healing room.

"A few grains should help you sleep, but only a few, and not every night."

Catherine nods. Catherine notices that Nostradamus is having a vision: A sword being drawn, a hawk landing on a tree, battle pieces being moved, a soldier dying and his sword falling out of his hand, Shield made of Steel protect a crown.

"What? Nostradamus. What are you seeing?"

Vision continues: Someone being stabbed with a sword, skin covered in blood.

"War.And the cost of war."


"I don't know. But wherever it is, it will reach inside this castle. Diana will protect a crown, which one i am unsure."

While this was happening, outside in the garden myself, Lola, Mary, and her ladies in waiting are sitting together in the grass laughing

"All right, Kenna. It's your turn. Not your first, but your best kisser."

"It was a man, not a boy."

"Who? You must tell us."

"All I'll say is that there is no point in waiting for boys our own age who have no idea what they're doing. Either find yourself a man or... take care of your needs yourself."

The girls giggle, and Mary blushes but couldn't help but nod in agreement with her, and she waved her hand to me to say 'see' gesture.

"Anyway, I think it's Greer's turn, isn't it?"

"My first kiss... is in the very near future. I'm not like you. My family's not titled. I can't afford even little mistakes. But... I think I've found a man. He's tall, dark, and noble. Tomás, the son of the King of Portugal. He's here negotiating some kind of trade deal, but he's taking his time about it, and I think it's to stay with me."

"Greer, it's dangerous to get involved with a prince. You know they marry for alliances. Your family are commoners."

"Tomás is a king's bastard like Bash. Favoured, too, but with money and land. I'm not a fool. I know a true royal would never look at me except to ruin me. I can take care of myself."

Horse whining in the distance. And it seemed to be getting more awkward before I cleared my throat.

"My first kiss was actually.........Bash."

The girls looked at me in shock, and I smiled before I could carry on a servant runs towards us.

"Your Majesty, your uncle, Claude de Guise, is here and wishes to see you at once."

Shortly after she left, i decided to take a walk with Lola and we saw Mary storing out of the throne room with Francis, she seems to get fustrated and walk away with Andre trying to follow her then when Francis looks at me and smiles which I return.

"Is he still sending you gifts?"


"Do you like him?"

"Very much, I think i am falling love with him. "

"I know he does you,"

I smiled at her then took her hand and we walked with her to the training yard to show her some more moves.
Once we are there, I pick up some wooden swords and start to show her what to do with him, then see Francis and Andre walk in the Andre grabs the wooden sword from Bash.

"You never spar with me."

"Is it a good idea for a king to spar with his possible usurper?"

"You mean his possible inheritor."

I could see Henry laugh, but it was a dry one, and then Andre spoke

"If you win, I shut up about this whole subject. If I win, you send those six companies of men."

Henry nods. They both get into their stance. Henry strikes first. Henry pushes Andre, and Andre glides across the floor. Henry swings the sword at Andre’ head, Andre ducks. Andre unarms Henry.

"Very good, very good."

"When can they leave?"

"Oh. No one's going to Scotland."

"But your word, your wager."

"Well, that's what kings do. We make promises to everybody, and whatever works for the realm we keep. Otherwise, they never happened. Lesson for today."

Henry leaves the throne room. Bash walks toward Andre. He gets fustrated and leaves.
Francis informed me of what the English were doing and rolled my eyes because I have all sent six companies to help protect Scotland and made sure to tell Francis this.

"How do you have so many men?"

"I may tell you one day,"

I said with a cheeky smile, which he returned, then heard Lola clear her throat, which made me smile and blush a bit.

Francis watched as his heart walked away with her lady in waiting and knew he had to marry her, maybe while her mother was here, but for now, he had to speak to his mother.
He walked away to his mother's rooms and saw she was not in there and went searching for her.
He found her in the garden looking at the roses when she looked at him.

"My son, how far you today?"

"I am well but anxious. My heart belongs to Diana, and from what I have heard while listening in, her heart is mine or almost. I know it is wrong, but I want to use this situation with Scotland to maybe end this engagement or switch it between me and Andre."

"What is the rush?"

"Her mother has been pushing for a match between Diana and some English Lord who has a claim to the English Throne."

That made his mothers face pinch because that put Diana in a very tight spot. She would suddenly become a very big target.

"When is her mother due to arrive?"

"Within the month!"

"Then you need to up the wooing, my son. You need it so she can't live without you."

"I can't live without her."

She smiled at Francis and saw that he truly wanted this, and she would keep their happiness going and remove any obstacles.

I was sitting by the fire and reading the latest play for Italy when I heard a knock at my door.
Lola got up from her chair and went to open the door, then a tearful Greer came in then to me when I opened my arms to her.
She walked straight into them, and once she had calmed down, she started to tell us about Tomà from Portugal and how he is now pursuing Mary.
It broke our hearts to see Greer in such tears and I knew what would happen next but I also knew Leith was coming into the picture and I was worried for her but would do what I could to save her from the future she might face.

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