Nineteen: Boos, Booze, and Booboos

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Of course, I have a Halloween chapter. I should've planned this so that it came out on Halloween. But it's almost Thanksgiving which is basically just a Halloween post-game.

Are we getting to the point where I'm just doing daily updates? Seems like it. Please leave some comments and a vote, it truly means the world!


There were many things that Tatum was not good at.




But planning? Under pressure? Now that was where she shined.

It took some convincing, but she was able to get everything she needed.

First, Tatum convinced the hockey team to host the fundraiser. Luckily, it didn't take too much persuasion. They wanted to help Brady however they could. They agreed to have it at the hockey house and help plan however they could. Isaac assured her they could be in charge of decorations and alcohol. So, she considered that piece of it closed out.

Second, Tatum convinced Kinsley and Brady to work together on this. That also didn't take as much wrangling as she had anticipated. They both cared about their little brother. She was sure the two cared about each other as well, but she wasn't fighting that battle today. They both agreed to put everything else aside and get the money they needed for Jamie's surgery.

Third, Tatum convinced Doctor Porter to reserve a slot for the surgery. However, the only time she could make work was the tomorrow.

And so, it was going to be a Halloween fundraiser.

She found herself grateful that Kinsley had already taken care of their costumes, it was one more thing off her plate. Tonight, Tatum was being a witch while Kinsley was being a witch hunter. She wasn't letting Tatum just wear an ordinary witch costume, obviously. Tatum was decked out in ragged witch clothing and makeup to make her appear undead. She had a worn out looking black witch hat on her head, secured with bobby-pins. Her hair was untamed, teased to make it look like she had been in a fight. It almost looked like she had crawled her way out of the earth. Her lips were a deep scarlet red, a stark contrast to the powder on her face intended to make her paler. Her outfit was a short, corset styled dress. After it hugged her waist, it fell loosely down in rags that swished against her thighs whenever she walked. She even had a fake cut on her arm, some synthetic blood dripping down her body. Honestly, she felt hot. Her the outfit hugged her curves perfectly. She never could've imagined feeling so comfortable in an outfit like this a few years ago. But she felt like the kind of person to have all eyes on her. And honestly, she didn't hate the idea of that.

Kinsley wore a tightly-fitted black cargo style romper. The neckline dove deep down to the bottom of her chest. There was a belt around her waist, various fake weapons stowed in it. She had a bottle labeled "witch-poison" and other various protective runes all over her outfit, as to shield herself from Tatum. Her long braids were pulled back into a ponytail, swaying against her lower back. She wore platform boots that reached her knee, accentuating her long legs. She had fake blood splattered all over her, adding some to her fake knife for further effect. She looked unreal. Tatum had to give her credit where credit was due. She never missed the mark when planning their costumes.

The fundraiser portion of this came in a couple of ways. The hockey house was known for hosting one of the biggest Halloween parties on campus. The other houses who typically hosted Halloween parties had cancelled their parties in solidarity and were planning on attending. Which essentially gave them a monopoly on the parties for the night except for anyone going to the bars. To even get through the door everyone would need to pay ten dollars. After that, they were charging various amounts for drinks that they were serving. Beer was five while mixed drinks and shots were ten. Tatum hoped that it would be enough to raise what they needed.

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