Chapter Thirteen

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When I walk into the living room, Elijah is in the kitchen with Carlo, I don't see Francesco or Xander anywhere so I take a deep composing breath, and walk into kitchen to see what's going on in there.

Elijah is at the stove, making breakfast sandwiches, "Good morning, principessa. How'd you sleep?" Elijah asks, looking away from the stove.

He's wearing a button up with the first button unbuttoned and an open blazer and slacks, his dress shoes are on already. I sit down at the table, I'm a few seats away from Carlo, "I slept fine."

"If it isn't the little ditcher," Carlo says.

"I don't think that's a word," I giggle slightly.

"See, look. She's laughing at your limited vocabulary," Emilio says as he shakes his head.

"Maybe she's laughing at your face," Carlo retorts.

"Be honest, Mads, what are you laughing at?" Emilio says, a grin playing at his lips.

"Alright, leave her alone," Elijah says, bringing over the plate of ready sandwiches, "And stop being so mean to each other."

Emilio stands up from the table, grabbing one of the breakfast sandwiches and sliding his jacket on. Simultaneously, Alessandro walks out of his office, tying his tie, he has one AirPod in that he's talking into. He still has a cold expression, but the longer I watch him, the guiltier I feel for snapping at him when he was being perfectly reasonable. Parents have rules. And even though he isn't my parent, he's the closest thing I have to it.

When I see Emilio join him, almost out of nowhere, a frightening though pops into my mind. What if he's leaving? What if he just got tired of me and he's leaving. However irrational that may be, it makes me anxious, I clench and unclench my fist, watching him button his blazer.

I faintly hear Elijah say Alessandro's name from behind me. Alessandro looks at Elijah before his and Emilio's eyes find me, "Is something wrong, Madison?" He says, curious in his own Alessandro Rossi fashion.

I find my voice, "Um—I—Where are you going?"

"I'm going to work, I have a few things to deal with at the office."

I swallow to coax my dry throat, clenching an unclenching my fist more rapidly as I continue trying to swallow down the lump in my throat. He wouldn't tell me if he was leaving. Nobody tells someone they're leaving. I desperately try to convince myself that these thoughts are irrational. But how many times did I assume the best of Daniel and mom just for them to crush it.

"We'll be back at around 7, alright?" Emilio reassures me. Xander walks by and grabs one of the sandwiches off the table and walks out of the house

"7?" I say, being sure.

"7:00," Alessandro confirms.

I nod, turning back to the table quietly.

"Make sure you eat, and that you have everything ready for school tomorrow. We'll collect your uniform while we're out," Alessandro commands.

And then they're out the door.

"You feel okay, Mads? You look like you just saw Elijah's face," Carlo says.

Elijah rolls his eyes but that does cause me to giggle a little, "I'm fine."

"So, how do you feel about starting school?" Carlo asks.

"Fine, a little nervous," I realize that makes me sound baby-ish, "But it can't be any different than my other school. Besides the fact that it's a private school."

But he doesn't even listen to the last part of my sentence, "Aw, is wittle baby Maddie scared?" He reaches over to pinch my cheek but I slap his hand away, "I'm not a baby." He pokes his bottom lip out mockingly, "Is wittle Maddie gonna be sad that her big big brothers aren't gonna be there to hold her hand? Don't worry, me and Xander will be there to take care of you, Wittle Maddie," He reaches over and ruffles my hair that I spent hours on this morning, "Carlo!" I shriek.

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