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The letter's contents replayed in my mind as I wandered through the trees and over crunchy leaves

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The letter's contents replayed in my mind as I wandered through the trees and over crunchy leaves. I can't deal with this right now. I need to focus, and I can ask for leave after this mission. Shaking out my fur to release the tension, my nose twitched, trying to pick up scents or patterns of any comings or goings.

There's nothing in this area either. I've searched the southeastern parts of the woods surrounding the town, but there's nothing here, not even a trace of a wolf I can follow. Huffing, I keep walking around. At this point, I'll be out here all night.

Coming across a creek, I stopped for a drink after sniffing it. He has to be coming in from somewhere. Wolves don't usually live in cities or bigger towns like this without often coming to the woods. They would go insane; the wolf instincts would eat away at their mind like a caged wild animal. My best chance at finding anything is to keep going.

Birds chirp, leaves rustle, crickets, and cicadas make their noises. Myrrh, sharp pine, and the scent of rain fill the air. Crunchy and soggy leaves wet my paws, and the wind caresses and ruffles my fur. Here is where I can be myself and forget the whole world, if only for a moment.

There's nothing south, and I can't find traces of anything. Letting out a slight growl, I drop back on my hunches. Think, idiot, why are there no tracks? I don't have anything with me. I left my phone and clothes in a hole by a tree not far from the lake to the east of the city so I couldn't call the guys.

Standing up to head west, I see a shadow leap behind a tree to my left from my peripheral. I sniff and scent nothing with the wind blowing to me from that direction. Like hell am I going to go check out a weird shadow. I've heard enough horror stories that start like that.

Setting a steady pace West, it was clear that he never came South, so without stopping, I headed North and caught a few scents of deer and old traces of a wolf. The tracks are too old to follow easily. Again, another shadow passes behind the trees, this time in front of me, with no scent.

Ghosts are the only thing I know of that don't have some scent, but I'm in the woods and don't remember any reports of other supernatural activity. The shadow is blocking my way, and I still won't be going near it to pass by, so I go around the trees it hopped between, praying it stays away from me. Sadly, it didn't.

This scentless shadow followed me halfway around the city through the woods, and I'm getting annoyed now that it has thrown me off the trail several times. Heading North, the shadow becomes less active and less annoying.

Is it getting too far from its tether? Or is it getting bored?

I don't care to stop and ask. The tracks I've been following lead North, close enough to town to make out buildings in some gaps in the tree line. Could this be him? Looking around, I take note of the buildings I see and the woods around me. It's too close to the town to continue following it in the daylight.

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