Chapter 14.

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Neli woke up early the next morning, she plans to go to Caleb's office that day to ask him to sign the divorce paper. They were leaving at night, so she decided to talk to him in the morning before she went back to New York.

They were in front of the elevator of the underground parking lot when she realized that her phone was not in her pocket.

"Ahh, I forgot my phone in the car." she said.

"I'll take it."

"No, I will take it and just wait for me here."

She needs to call her father after Caleb signed the divorced paper so they can proceed immediately, she also requested her father to make a contract that says they don't need reconciliation or any settlement agreement so the court could immediately approve their divorce and after that, they were no longer married.

She immediately ran to where she parked her car and hurriedly took her phone inside so that Mel wouldn't have to wait long.

While she was walking back to Mel's place, she was suddenly hit by a speeding black car. Neli immediately felt the pain in her head and body causing her to lose her consciousness.


Caleb's heart is pounding loudly every time he remembers what happened to him and Neli last night. Fortunately, he managed to unlock the door of his penthouse so that she could escape because he knew that he would not be able to control himself when their kiss lasts longer. He didn't want to do something that would hurt Neli, knowing that he had hurt her many times before, so he let her get away from him for now.

He suddenly touched his lips.

It was his first kiss and it was his first time to kiss Neli's lips, and it was so soft and seemed like a dessert because of the sweetness that he could taste from it.

Caleb felt strange in himself when he first saw Neli again after three years, as if she become a goddess who came down to earth for him. He couldn't move his gaze from her because she might disappear and every time he sees her, his heart beats fast and it seems that something is digging in his stomach and when he sees her sweet smile, he wants to run towards her and hold her in his arms.

When they are still together, Hazel keeps saying to him that Neli always making trouble especially to her. She's always insulting and harming Hazel in front of other people because they know each other, but every time she's in front of him, she is like a kind and loving person which confuses him because she's different from what Hazel told him. Until he found out the truth that Hazel is the one causing trouble, and Neli didn't do anything.

When he was with her in the shooting, he saw how Neli interacted with the people around her. She's always smiling and ready to help those people who asked her for help, she's also greeting politely and waving her hand to children and older people that she sees, he immediately realizes what kind of woman Neli was.

He suddenly heard the sound of a phone call that brought him back to reality, he remembered that he was in a meeting at the time and his employees were currently reporting to him.

"Whose phone is that?" he asked his employees.

They didn't answer and just looked at his phone on the table, that's when he noticed the light on his phone screen and saw Mel's name was registered on the caller.

"Ahem, continue..." he said to his employee before answering the call. "Hello?"

He gave his personal number to Mel when they met in the department store, so in case Neli got in trouble with that woman again, she could call him immediately.


Caleb immediately stood up in fear, he felt his body shiver because of what he heard. He immediately ran out of the conference room to go to where Mel was, he almost punched the elevator button because of how slow it took.

When he arrived at the underground parking lot, he immediately heard Mel's loud shout asking for help, he ran to her and his heart almost stopped beating when he saw Neli's body lying on the floor covered in her own blood.

He immediately took his key and gave it to Mel, then he carefully picked up Neli to take her to his car. His heart was pounding loudly as if it was about to come out in his chest when Neli's arm suddenly dropped.

He saw two guards running towards them.


"YOU'RE BOTH FIRED!!" he shouted angrily at them.

When they're inside the car, he doesn't take his eyes off to Neli because he's afraid he might disappear in his arms. At that moment, he didn't know why he felt like crying while looking at the unconscious Neli.


Caleb wasn't able to let go of Neli's hand while she was still unconscious in the hospital, a day had passed since the accident but she still hasn't woken up. According to the doctor who examined Neli, she is safe from danger and they just need to wait for her to wake up.

While she was in the emergency room yesterday, his assistant gave him the cctv footage of their underground parking lot. He saw that the car intentionally hit Neli because it didn't stop after she got hit, it doesn't even have a plate number which surprised him. He asks his assistant to investigate immediately, he wants to know the reason why they want to harm his wife.

Caleb's heart broke when he saw Neli's body rolled and fall on at the back of the car. Neli received eleven stitches on her head because of her injuries, her whole body is full of wounds and bruises and her right leg was fractured.

"Caleb, go home first and eat, you didn't even change your clothes since yesterday." he heard Neli's father say to him as he approached him, his clothes are still full of Neli's blood. "We will take care of Neli so you don't have to worry."

"I'm fine." he answered. "I will wait for her to wake up."

"Caleb, to be honest I know everything that happened between you and Neli before." Caleb's whole body froze at what his father-in-law said. "She told me everything when she went home after she signed your divorce paper, but I know that despite what happened between the two of you, my daughter still likes you. She has admired you since the day you saved her when she drowned when you were both young."

"I did?" he asked in surprise.


A scene suddenly entered his mind, the little girl was drown because one of her classmates pushed her into the pool in their school, he immediately rescued her and brought her to the infirmary and immediately reported the incident to the principal, the principal couldn't do anything to the kids because they came from the prominent family as well so he asked his father to help him and talk to the principal to expelled those kids in their school. He didn't remember her name because they were not in the same class but after that accident he kept seeing her alone at the back of their school building and was always busy watering the flowers, there are even times when he sees her playing and feeding the stray cats at their school.

"I don't want to see my daughter sad and in danger again, so please do me a favor Caleb, stay away from her from now on."

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