5. i know that i've lied

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june 3, 2023: iowa city, iowa

I shake my head, explaining the entire situation between Freya and I to Sydney and Jada as they sit in the dorm room I share with Monika. Gabbie, Caitlin, and Mon are just rehearing it. I'm sitting on my bed with Syd and Jada. Cait, Gabbie, and Mon are all on Mon's bed. I texted her (or what I thought was her number) yesterday, but there's been no reply. I would probably message her on Instagram tomorrow.

"And she makes music, right?" Jada asks and I nod.

Sydney's mouth drops open, "We should try to figure out which of her songs are about you," Sydney suggests.

"I like your thinking, Syd," Caitlin says at the exact same time I say, "Absolutely not."

I rub my eyes, "I don't think any of her songs are about me, let's just not," I try to protest, but Sydney's already pulled up Freya on Spotify and Caitlin already has her notes app ready.

"Think of it as a Freya Rogers listening party," Caitlin says, shrugging her shoulders.

"What would you guys do it I kicked you all out?" I ask, currently thinking about telling them all to leave.

Jada shrugs from where she's leaning against my shoulder, "We'd make the list and text it to you later."

Monika shakes her head, "I live here too, you guys are fine," she says and I flip her off, she does it right back.

"Mean It is definitely not about you," Sydney mumbles before pressing on the song Stay. After only listening to the first verse, Caitlin puts it in her notes app.

The second they hear the first line of Friend, it goes under Stay. It's really the only one I agree with. We get through her first EP and the girls believe that four of the seven songs are about me. Now, Sydney is dead set on one of her singles being about me.

"Syd, what are you talking about? That song is not about me," I tell her.

Sydney just looks at me like I'm an idiot, starting to read the lyrics of the song, "'But I'm not yours anymore, everything you broke is ash and smoke,' Brush Fire is definitely about you!"

"We never dated," I point out for maybe the tenth time tonight.

Gabbie shakes her head, "Maybe she wrote it in that way to be more relatable to listeners," she says and maybe, she's right.

By the time we get through her second EP, the list is up to nine songs. Nine songs that my friends think are about me. She could have dated other people, that's who these songs could be about. They're definitely not about me.

caitlin's list

1. stay
2. friend
3. 21
4. under / over
5. brush fire
6. rockland
7. wishful thinking?
8. better?
9. painkillers?

authors note
okay this was written
because skye mentioned
it and i couldn't stop
thinking about it 😐

¹ two people,  kate martin Where stories live. Discover now