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"She was fit," Dex marvels as I climb back into the car, looking out the window at the girl I just sold a gram to

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"She was fit," Dex marvels as I climb back into the car, looking out the window at the girl I just sold a gram to.

I ignore him, starting up the car and driving out of the desolate car park. "Where to now?" Sy asks, lighting up a cig.

"Yeah I wanna get pissed," Jayden announces from the backseat. "Nah," I reply, focusing my attention on speeding down the road. "Come on man," He groans.

"I don't know about you guys but I have a girl to get back home to," I smirk, one hand on the steering wheel while the other searches for my phone in my pocket.

"We know," Dex huffs, probably tired of hearing me talk about her twenty-four seven. "Fine but we're at least staying at your's for a few hours," Jayden decides as I pull into the carpark of the dorm.

I get out the car, listening to Sy ramble about his latest talking stage as we head into the building and ascend the stairs.

"What?" Dex asks as I pause in front of the front door. I stare at it for a moment, finding it strange that it's not fully closed.

The feeling of dread settles deep in my stomach as I open the door, the sight in front of me causing my heart to immediately speed up in my chest.

The living room is covered in smeared blood, all originating from the large puddle of it in the centre of the room. 

"Juliet?" I call out urgently, my movements panicked as I storm further into the dorm. "Juliet?" I repeat, searching all the rooms.

I return to the living room, seeing Sy talking urgently on the phone while Jayden paces back and forth.

I'm unable to think, my brain foggy as my breathing picks up. "I called the police," Sy confirms, placing his phone on the counter. 

His voice sounds distorted as I stare at the puddle of blood, unable to think about anything else but Juliet.

"I think he's having a panic attack," Dex's muffled voice breaks through haze, his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure she's alright," He tries to comfort, pushing me down onto the sofa. 

The next five minutes feels like an eternity as we wait for the police to come. They arrive and assess the situation, speaking with Sy because my mind is too clouded to answer questions right now.

Hours tick by as I sit completely still, my head in my hands as images of Juliet flash through my mind. "Carter!" Someone exclaims, causing me to finally look up.

"I've been calling you for a while man," Lucien says, looking me in the eye. "Lucien?" I question, not even realising that he was here.

"Yeah Dex called me," He clarifies, sitting down next to me. "I've got ten of my dad's best men on finding her trust me," He promises, pulling out his phone.

"They're working with police and look they've already got leads," He tells me, trying to sound optimistic.

This snaps me out of my clouded fog as I grab the phone from his hands, looking down at it. "I'm going to go look for her," I decide after reading that her dad was the one picked up on security cameras.

"Carter," He warns, grabbing my arm. "There's nothing you can do, it's best to just wait here for updates," He reasons.

"Fuck off,"  I snatch my arm away, the feeling of terror I once had now being replaced with anger. I storm out of the overcrowded dorm, just needing to do something, anything to occupy the time  until I get her back.

I climb into my car, my seatbelt off and my actions rushed as I speed towards the direction of where his car was picked up on traffic cameras.

I push down all my emotions, knowing if I let myself feel the guilt that's coursing through me right now I may break down.   

The dark night sky hangs above as I drive mindlessly up and down random desolate roads. I know it's pointless and that I won't find her this way but I can't go home, I can't sit and do nothing while she's out there in god knows what condition.

My hands firmly grip the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white as I think about the crimson pool of blood, the memory engraved into my mind.

I swallow down the lump in my throat, denying any tear that threatens to leave my eyes.

Suddenly my phone rings from the passenger seat, I pick it up instantly without even looking at the caller.

"Carter?" A voice I immediately recognise as Lucien rings out from the other end. "Have they found her?" I rush out, praying that she's safe.

"No but they know where she is, her dad's phone pinged in the Dulwich woods so they believe he took her out there." He says solemnly, his once positive tone now disappearing. 

"Okay," I state bluntly, my car swerving as I make a harsh U turn. "Carter you can't go out there," He instructs sternly, already knowing what I'm up to.

"I'm serious Carter it's dangerous and there's a.. situation," He says vaguely. "A situation?" I repeat, my grip on the steering wheel tightening.

"A hostage situation," He clarifies, causing me to suck in a sharp breath. "Marco is unhinged and rambling with police about how his reputation has been tarnished and there's no point in living anymore," He reveals, repeating what the officers on scene told him.

"And he wants to take Juliet with him." 

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