Chapter 37

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Lucas's pov

I've never been as scared as I am now. I ran back home as fast as I could. My heart was pounding and breaking a little every time I felt Valeria hurt.

Please be okay Valeria, I can't lose you.

Onyx is completely silent. He no longer howls or whines, but is completely focused on getting to our mate as quickly as possible. With each pain I fear we are not fast enough.

It felt like the trip to the pack took forever. I could finally see the packhouse even though we were still far away. Soon the sounds of battle reached our ears and the first soldiers to leave joined the battle.

I ran out into the open and saw my worst fear come true. Rogue sunk his teeth into Valeria's throat and she screamed. The pain was so strong that it made me stagger too.

"NO!" Onyx and I screamed and despite the pain we fought our way towards Valeria. Suddenly a painful howl stopped the fight and I saw the Alpha rogue fall to the ground. A moment later, Valeria also fell.

"No! Valeria!" I screamed and ran to her.

I collapsed next to her and gently moved her into my arms. Tears flowed from my eyes and my breathing became labored as I heard her heart rate decrease.

"No baby please! D-don't leave me.." I cried and didn't care who saw.

I looked at the big wound on her neck but refused to believe that I would lose her. Onyx howled in my mind.

Then it happened. Nothing was heard.

"Valeria. Valeria!" I shook her but she was completely lifeless.

"Baby no, no! Come back! Please! Please don't leave me.." I hugged her and rocked us back and forth.

I felt our bond break and screamed. I screamed out of pure pain and agony so loud and long until my voice gave out. A sad howl soon followed as the members of the pack felt their connection to Luna being cut off.

I called her weak..

"I'm so, so sorry. You are anything but weak! I was so stupid.. Forgive me. I love you b-baby."

I held Valeria in my arms and tried to shield her from the world around me as I began to sob heartbreakingly.

3rd person's pov

Liam watched as his best friend, the mighty Alpha, cried and sobbed over his dead mate. This is a real fucking nightmare.

Lucas and Onyx don't let anyone near Valeria and are buried in the middle of grief and pain. Those who try to get close to them do not value their own life.

An Alpha that has just lost its mate is unpredictable, so everyone understands to stay away from the couple.

After making sure that Rosie and the others were okay, Liam began going around the battle area and counting the fallen warriors. The dead rogues were moved aside and some of the captured ones were sent to cells to await interrogation.

In the backyard of the packhouse, Liam noticed Evelyn crying next to her father's body. He was going to comfort his friend until he heard what she said

"Daddy no.. It wasn't supposed to happen like this! Nothing should have happened to anyone else!" Evelyn cried.

Liam saw red. This can't be true.

"What the hell did you mean by that Evelyn!?" Liam yelled at his friend, well his ex-friend.

Evelyn, blinded by grief and anger, screamed like a lunatic

"They only had to kill that bitch! Valeria was the only one who had to die! And now my father is dead.." Evelyn fell to her knees and began to cry.

Liam was in shock. He didn't want to believe that his friend could do something like this. This is all Evelyn's fault. The nearby warriors came to them.

"Take her to the cell." Liam said and watched as the warriors dragged a screaming Evelyn away.

Liam sighed deeply and started going back towards the packhouse. Alpha Jack and his family had come to support them in battle, but too late. They were mourning inside with the others because no one could get to Lucas and Valeria.

Inside there was a conversation about how brave Valeria was and how she was taking down rogues at a ferocious pace. Her fighting was like a dance. She ran gracefully through the middle of the battle with her daggers, killing more rogues than the others.

Their Luna sacrificed herself for the pack.

At the door, Liam glanced at his grieving friend and wondered what would happen to the pack now. Will they ever get over this.

"Moon Goddess help us." He whispered and went inside.

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