2 Meeting Theodore

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Annoyance continued to surge through my veins, becoming my thoughts. How could this be? I made certain that nobody lived here! I was certain - this was one of the very few towns in America that were unknown and abandoned yet still legal. I exhaled again, wondering why my breath wasn't in visible fumes.

I looked again at the mansion right in front of my house, flickering with light as if proof that it was still there.

I scoffed. Obviously, he had probably seen me and hid away like a coward. 

I paused. I was being unreasonable. Maybe meeting someone wouldn't be so terrible. He could potentially give me insight into the place or some critical information that I need to know. And who knows? Maybe I'd get lonely so having one familiar face would actually be beneficial.


Reconciling, I had researched this town before moving here to gain some inspiration for writing as it has always been my dream to write a best-selling novel. The houses in this neighborhood are either abandoned or empty, which I thought was perfect to be all alone in the quiet area.

I had never been good with people, always shy and easily identifiable as an introvert. I never hung out with friends because I never really had any, and I was close to my parents until we kind of inched apart, though I still make sure to keep in contact. You could always find me in a library or a coffee shop. Nothing special, just average.

But I have always wanted to write a successful book, though I had absolutely no original ideas. It always felt as if every good idea had been used up already. As all the books I ever read were always the same, just painted in a different color.

But I want to be the next JK Rowling. Or the next Holly Black. 

To be appreciated by people for my talents, for them to recognize me and say, 'Yes, she wrote that.'

I smiled to myself at my thoughts. These were dreams, and they were big. Hopefully, I could make them work out sometime.


Soon after I finished contemplating life decisions, I finally made up my mind to talk to the man living in the mansion right across from me. 

My feet pondered against the cement as I crossed the street, and my hands gripped the cookie box so much that my knuckles were turning white. I had no idea what I would say and prayed that the right words would magically pop up into my mind. 

I knew that backing out was not an option as it had just occurred to me that a lack of at least a little human contact will make me go insane.

I knocked on the door; Three soft thuds.

I then noticed a door knocker, so I used that and it made 3 loud metallic clangs.

I waited for what seemed like a long time until I heard the inside of the door click open.

Then the door opened. 

And then my heartbeat quickened.

I blinked to see a handsome young man with chocolate fountain-colored curls falling gracefully past his ears. His chin and jawline were pointed and angular, yet gentle. His light blue eyes had a mysterious glint in them.

"Hello, My name is Lily, I'm your new neighbor. I just moved in earlier today, and saw you across the street and thought I'd say hi." I said, keeping my voice respectful and steady.

The young man's eyes never faltered from my gaze. His smile was polite when he suddenly bowed his head in greeting, "It is a pleasure meeting you Ms. Lily. My name is Theodore. Please, come in for tea."

"Thank you," I smiled walking into the house.


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