chapter 18

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It's been a couple days since she's come to live with me. I figured it would be more convenient if she moved to one of the spare rooms upstairs so she could have her own space and bathroom.

She moved to one of the smaller rooms that still had an en suite bathroom, but also a perfect view of millennium park. The moment she picked it, she was mesmerized. I have her the option of painting it, but she opted for a neural theme. The walls stayed white and she added a few different shades of brown to give it color.

Fatherhood was weird. Seeing her eyes brighten for the littlest things made my heart soar. I never knew this was the joy parents feel.

It also comes with a side of fear. I can no longer be careless. I have to make every decision with intent. Because there's a possibility that it could affect her.

And I'll be dammed if I let anything happen.

I watched her from her doorway try to assemble a small bookshelf. She was struggling and clearly frustrated.

I smiled and decided to help.


I got her situated and she started to put all her books on the shelf. I had a few of the guys go to her grandma's house yesterday and pick up her belongings.

I gave her the option of going, but she said she wasn't ready yet. So I respected it.

After I was finished, I decided it was best to organize dinner.

As I made my way to the fridge, my phone buzzed.

I picked it up. "Well we'll well little bro, when were you going to tell me I had a niece?" I heard my older brother, Rehan, say through the phone.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Who in the fuck told them before me?

"Yes, it's true. There's a lot we need to discuss." I told him.

"You bet. Good thing we're in town. We'll see you tonight baby bro."


"That's right, mom couldn't believe it and neither could dad. We all decided to give you a surprise visit" he laughed out.


Don't get me wrong, I love my family. But things just got settled here and I didn't want to have to throw something else at her too soon.

I sighed. "Okay, see you guys tonight"

"See you baby bro"

I put my phone down and went to Char's room. By now it was complete and looked well put together.

"Hey char?"

She turned around. "Yeah"

"I'm so sorry to spring this on you, but my parents are coming over for dinner tonight."

I watched her face carefully for a reaction. She nodded. "That seems nice. D-do they know about me?" she asked hesitantly.

I nodded. "I'm not sure how but they know. By no means are you a secret, they were bound to find out anyway. Are you comfortable with meeting more people tonight?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, that's cool."

"Ok, cool. They'll probably be in around 8 so be ready around then"

"Sounds good"

I walked out to the kitchen and ordered Giannis, a local Italian restaurant I knew they'd like. After, I went upstairs to shower and get ready.

Hopefully this went well.

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