Part 14

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"Jacob allowed us over to see you." Sapphire glanced over her shoulder and see the three kings walking over. "Why here of all places?"

"Allow me some time to think."

"May we talk?" She glances down at her lap and nod. Black capes enter her peripheral vision and sit next to her. "We are sorry for not telling you that we had wives. We believed you did not need to know and we were wrong. You deserve to know every single thing about us and you have right to."

"Scared of my reaction."

"We were afraid of losing you when we just gotten you." Cauis tells her on her left as the other two kings are on her right. "It is the first time being this much alive and bonded to someone that is stronger than a piece of paper."

Sapphire couldn't help smile at the amazing words her kings are saying. She knows they wouldn't publicly seem so weak but they have time. She also believes she was a bit dramatic but she is young. She will learn as they get to know each other a lot more and a chance is needed for that to happen.

"Another chance. I will give you one single chance. Break it and you lose me." She looks at each of the kings and they nod vigorously.

"Crystal clear my dear." Aro wraps an arm around her shoulders and she leans her head on his shoulder feeling their bond grow stronger with single skin contact.

Cauis leans on her shoulder and Sapphire slips her arm around Aro waist to grab Marcus hand. Marcus kisses her hand and holds it tight not letting go anytime soon. They look out at the ocean wave and crash on the rocks below. The silence is welcomed and they did not need to say anything because their hearts are saying everything. They missed each other and will never leave again.

"Alright, now how about a tour of the town." Cauis stands up with vigor. His energy spreads to the other three and Sapphire smiles getting excited as well.

"Yes!" She stands and jumps on the spot. Aro and Marcus stand smiling glad their mate is happy.

"You lead us around." Sapphire nods and begins to head back into the woods. A big brown wolf is waiting on a rock and Sapphire runs over to hug his neck. A deep purring reach her ears making her giggle.

"Want to show us around?" Jacob lowers down allowing Sapphire to sit on his back. The wolf walks off and the vampire kings follow.


Three days they spent walking around LaPush and their bond is glowing the brightest gold like it is a strong made for a god. Sapphire has stopped using her powers to speak with her mates and the men love it. Jacob is walking on patrol while the kings and Sapphire are sitting on a big boulder chatting.

"Did you really?" Sapphire asks grinning.

Cauis is remarking the time Marcus had to follow through a deal they made at a fight. Loser has to sit in a kid pool with a duck floaty. Sapphire laughs at the pure humiliating moment Marcus must have had.

"I wouldn't be cocky brother. You did get tipsy by that red haired woman in Athens." Sapphire raises her eyes and laughs.

"You got drunk." she states in disbelief. She did not know vampires can get drunk.

"I drank her blood which was contaminated with alcohol and so since it was in my system i got drunk." Cauis would be beetroot red if he were human.

"So that is how vampires get drunk. If the human is drunk the vampire that drinks from them gets the same effects of alcohol consumption?"

"Yep." Cauis grumbles and crossing his arms making Sapphire cackle like a witch.

"I would pay big money to see that."


"Aw, don't be like that. I still think you are adorable." Sapphire leans on Cauis back kissing his cheek. The moody king lighting up slightly at the affection.

"Anything embarrassing you did love?" Marcus asks interesting to hear about his mate.

"Well I-" Before she can continue something whizzes past and embeds in her throat. She makes choking sounds gaining the kings attention.

"Sapphire!" They jump in alarm with wide eyes.

Sapphire holds a hand to her throat and feels a slim object. Looking down she sees an arrow head. Growling turns her head to Jacob running off. Things moved fast as Aro shouts for the guards and the Cullens burst out of the bushes the next second.

"I am going to capture him." Cauis growls curling his fingers in his fist. Sapphire reaches out to stop Cauis from running off. Carlisle is quickly snapping the arrow in half and trying to tug it out but it is lodged deep.

"ah..You...t-three stay. Jane, Alec... Felix, ...and Demetri...go get him and Jane...ah, please give him...a little extra pain... for me." Sapphire gasps between her words. The girl nods with anger rumbling in those red eyes and they run after the intruder.

"I am sorry Sapphire but this will hurt." Carlisle warns before ripping the arrow out. Sapphire coughs and gags as her gaping throat slowly heals. Carlisle presses a bandage on her wound to stem the small bleeding. She is still a hybrid and they can bleed just a little for a few minutes before their wounds heal.

Ring. Ring. Eyes turn to Aro's cellphone. He pulls it out with thin thread restraint on his part. Rage is swarming inside him to go avenge his mate. His eyes along his brothers and all vampires are black in anger.

"What?" a sadistic grin stretches on his face. "Bring him to the Cullen residence. We will meet you there."

"What is it brother?" Cauis hasn't moved mainly due to his mate hold on his wrist. Marcus is kneeling beside Sapphire staring on her like a vulture. Concern swirling inside him and half his mind is replaying when Didyme got killed.

"The guards found the shooter. Let us go. Cauis best you hold your mate." Aro understands the anger the blonde king has and without Sapphire being his priority the blonde would rip the hunter to pieces. Shattered bits of vampire that would only resemble cracked rock.

Sapphire nods tugging Cauis wrist to refocus his mind. Cauis lowers and picks up his mate. His anger already easing itself but it is still brimming on the surface. Aro taps Marcus to snap him out of his memories. Marcus eyes focus back into reality and stand. The two covens head home to witness a marvelous sight. Jacob snarling into the hunters face with fangs bared at his nose. The hunter himself is being pinned by the three men guards as the female is using her powers with no restraint. The hunter body withering but cannot move much else than twitching and wiggling like a worm.

"What a marvelous sight." Aro grins and the three kings hold promises of future havoc they will do to the man.

"Before you kill me or torture me, you should know i was paid to shoot her."

"By whom?" Cauis snaps tightening his hold on Sapphire. Sapphire looks at the hunter and can't bare to stare at him for long. A pathetic human hunter paid to shoot her. Only question is who but that is for the kings to learn. Sapphire is disgusted that a human would go the lengths just for money.

"I will never tell you." A fast ticking is the only warning before blood and guts reign over them as the man explodes. Sapphire turns away and clenching her eyes. The sound echoing in her ears but other than that, fine.

"He knew we would torture him or take pleasure in killing him. Just who paid him to shoot Sapphire? Who knew about her?" The Cullen and Volturi hold frowns on their faces. The kings look over at their mate with her neck bandaged. At least she wasn't killed which would be a worse trick of fate to them than anything they have done. they couldn't nor wouldn't be able to live a second if their mate died.

"Carlisle, best check on Sapphire in the meantime." the doctor nods and allows the kings inside his home and into his office.

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