New Book: Born Wrong

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hello, lovelies! it's been so long since i'm back here (almost two years) and i've returned with a new story!

G78MPH taught me a lot about myself—as a person and a writer, and one of the things i realize about myself was how i love emotionally-depth plots and romances and complex relationships and tragic backstories. i also found out i really love grumpy x sunshine, lol, and i wanted to test the waters again with this specific trope.

so! i created a new book that all off the things i love about G78MPH onto a new page!

In Born Wrong, we follow a girl who've been through hell and instead of seeing the cruelness of the world, she chooses kindness and a boy who've experienced nothing but a list of tragedies and decides that life is no longer worth living.

it follows a similar pattern of grumpy x sunshine, where the sunshine is willfully kind, and the grumpy is a result of his circumstances.

so, this is what the story will be about:

- complex family dynamics! she comes from a family who saw her birth as "bad luck" and always treats her as such. additionally, she has an older brother who was the golden child of the family and received all the love she could only dream of. he comes from a loving family that were willing to die for each other until a failed business opportunity cuts up their picture-perfect life. 

- complex sibling dynamics! she was kicked out of the house at fourteen and her brother left to take care of her. he could've ignored all of their parents' treatment towards her but chooses not to—making the decision to leave. she feels in debt to his sacrifice every day and he wonders every night if it was worth it.

- intimate male friendships! he became friends with her older brother through a series of coincidences. her older brother knows all his tragedies and he knows all her older brother's deepest regrets and worse thoughts. they share more than an average guy friendships—it's intimate in trust, deep connections, but also riddled with insecurities.

- developing female friendships! we all met dahlia and aysa and know their dynamic—i raise you with a new one: a mean girl who isn't exactly what she appears to be and a girl who doesn't know how to navigate female relationships. this explores how their relationship impacts their perspective in many ways—as the mean girl only saw people as vessels for exploits and the girl saw women as an extension of her mother.

- older brother best friend angst! we get sneaking around, broken promises, trying to navigate between meeting your best friend's expectations (and the only person in your life who truly cares about you) and the girl of your dreams. it all comes down to a brother who loves his little sister so much, protecting her, that he hurts her.

- healthy relationships! their dynamic is so communicative and trusting; she doesn't expect to change him but only wishes to support him no matter what he does and he wants her because she's her. i really love how relationships aren't expectations or needs to be met, but a journey of two people who simply understand each other and are compatible. unlike G78MPH, they will have no miscommunication, minor jealous scenes, and deep, deep conversations at night (because those are the best time to confess your deepest thoughts) and smut (hehe)

- lastly, a thematic message: the idea that the world can be cruel, vicious, selfish and without reason and there seems to be to be no point in life—but you can always choose kindness and find purpose in mundanity. that if nothing matters, if nothing is worth anything, what we do matters and love is always worth it.

i hope that much was a selling point for you guys. if not, i appreciate all the love and comments and votes on G78MPH and i hope you are well!

here is the synopsis <3

Bright Seo has nothing left to live for. The aftermath of a series of tragedies, he spends the rest of his time spearheading to his death—through fights, car chases, and alcohol. There's nothing else to do, and no one, not even his best friend, can stop him from his inevitable demise.

Kala Roshan was born broken, or at least, that's what she's been told all of her life. A girl who has experienced nothing but a list of difficulties, she refuses to let it consume her. In a love of spite, she finds herself choosing to believe in the opposite: that life is worth living throughout.

So when she encounters Bright—the boy with lifeless eyes, bleeding hands and a heart that doesn't want to keep beating—she can't help but choose. She knows neither him, nor her brother, will do anything to save him, so she will.

Even if it kills her.

and the character aesthetics!

and the character aesthetics!

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yours truly, neekiewriter

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yours truly,

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