Slytherin chaser and kicking ron

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Anna decided to walk around as she was previously interrupted by Dumbledore. As she was walking around, she got bumped into a Slytherin student. She felt really unlucky. It's not like she hated Slytherin students but her position is not good enough to have a peaceful chat with them.
She doesn't even want to apologise as they will never care and will just bully others.
As she was ready to fight but the Slytherin Student just looked at her and smiled. He introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Adrian pucey."

Anna felt surprised but introduced herself properly
"Oh! Pleased to meet you. I'm Arianna Granger"

Adrian enthusiastically said
"Yeah, i heard about you. You are daring enough to prank them . Our team members really want to get back at those Weasley twins but you did it very easily. "

Anna smiled a little embarrassed
"Oh my god , even Slytherin students know about this . "

Adrian laughed and said
"Nothing stays secret in hogwarts. Especially in gryffindor."

Anna nodded
"Yeah, i know we are loud. Are you perhaps my senior?"

Adrian nodded and said
"I'm in the same year as Weasley twins. I'm also a chaser of the Slytherin team."

Anna said
"That's really cool. I'm sure twins are being headache in class whenever it is with Slytherin. "

Adrian nodded like a chicken
" Yeah , they drive everyone crazy with their tricks. "

Ariana laughed out loud and said
" Umm..i need to go. My sister will be waiting for me. Nice to meet you by the way. "

As they parted their ways, Anna felt surprised that Adrian can be friendly towards gryffindor. She lazily entered into her dormitory. As she felt today is totally filled with meeting people.She doesn't wanna meet anyone.

She seriously studied about various magics in her search engine. She patiently learnt all the new magic which were unknown to everyone.

As the days passed , the boring life of students continued.

Professor Flitwick's class

Everyone Said out loud
"The swish and flick."

Flitwick instructed everyone
"Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then."

Anna saw draco and Ron trying to lift feathers. Then she smiled at hermoine and we both smiled at eachother but didn't performed .

When Anna saw prof. Flitwick looking at her with expectations. She sighed and did the floating magic 🪄 using her wand. She forgot to say the spell out loud out of habit.

Which gave the professor a chance to praise Anna infront of everyone. Then she saw Hermione and ron arguing with eachother.

Anna sighed and saw Hermione doing perfectly as her. They both earned points for gryffindor.

Seamus did an explosion again, which made Filtwick gasp. everyone turned their attention to Seamus.

She remembered this scene, as today there will be troll 🧌 attacking Hermione. So Anna was prepared and decided to be with Hermione.

As the class was over Anna and Hermione heard Ron's words . Anna held Hermione hand tightly and kicked ron on the ass.

Immediately everyone surrounded them as if to watch a show. Harry looked surprised but tried to help ron get up.

Ron got mad and shouted at Anna.
"What in the name of Merlin’s most baggy Y-fronts was that about?"

Anna never let Hermione leave while saying

" Listen you dumb idiot, think before you speak. If you dare to bitch about my sister behind her back then it will not end with just a simple kick. She tried to explain so that it will be useful to you."

Ron got irritated and said,"i never asked her. It's the miss-know-it-all... "

Before he continued to say, Harry closed Ron's mouth.

I looked at Harry and Ron angrily while saying
"Let him speak, i think i need to use my special teaching to make him understand how to behave with a girl, especially with my sister. "

Hermione looked around, shook her head and said to Anna " let's go. Don't fight."

Anna looked at hermoine and saw that Hermione seems to care about the people watching the show. So Anna just gave warning to ron and left.

Anna asked to hermoine while walking in the corridor
"Why did you stop me? I know you always liked when i defended you."

Hermione looked down and said
"We'll lose points and will get punished. if some professor sees us fighting."

Anna laughed and said with a smirk
"So,you like it when i fight for you? I thought you were an independent girl."

Hermione pushed Anna while saying
"Don't be proud. I just think you look cool."

Anna nodded with a smirk but said seriously
"You are the second most amazing witch i know. so don't care about that dunderhead. And you are not alone, you have a lot of friends too. He is just jealous of you and me."

Hermoine tilted her head in doubt and asked Anna
"Who is the first amazing witch then ? Don't tell me it's you? "

Anna gasped and said
"As expected of the genius second witch. You can easily guess the answer. "

Hermione laughed out loud and the classes continued the same but ron was sometimes glaring at twins and when Anna looks at him. He acts like a coward. Harry always looked like he was in dilemma but he also glanced at Anna from time to time .


I hope you find my story interesting. However, please leave a comment and let me know how you feel. I'm a new writer, so I'm not sure how well I'm doing. I'm not fluent in English. So please accept my apologies if you find any errors.

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