Chapter 19

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White walls.
That wasn't right. Sitting up in bed, light shining through the window, seeing the bare walls.
"Hey, I made breakfast."
In your room. Did I fall asleep last night? Stars, looking up at them you hand in mine.
Wearing only a pair of navy blue basketball shorts, handing me a plate filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage along with cold water.
"This smells great. Thanks."
I was outside last night!
"Figured we could eat together before I have to leave for a job. Shouldn't take long, a few hours maybe. Is there anything you want me to get you for downstairs?"
Basement, of course I would have to go back down there when you weren't here. Losing my appetite, laying the half eaten plate on the bed.
"I was thinking maybe we could have dinner outside tonight. A picnic."
"Really?" My tone filled with joy.
"Yeah I was going to stop by the store, get all the supplies to make s'mores." Shrugging your shoulders. "Unless you don't want to." Sarcasm rolling through your voice.
"Of course I want to! Are you kidding?!"
"Great, it's a date." Happily shoving another bite into your mouth.
Isn't that what I thought during the movie? Though it was weird to hear out loud. Picking up my plate to take a few more bites.
Already having finished your plate, getting up and starting to get dressed. Pulling down your shorts standing there only in your boxers before stepping into a pair of jeans. Light grey t-shirt slipping over your head, hands sliding through your hair trying to mangle the mess that it was.
Such a simple look but the way the clothes hugged your body made all the difference.
Boots on looking over at me catching me staring.
"What? Did I put my shirt on inside out or something?" Tugging the collar away from your neck looking for the tag to check.
"No." I answered laughing.
"Is there a hole in my jeans?" Bending over checking down each leg then turning backwards to check your butt, spinning like a dog chasing his tail.
Laughing harder. "NO!"
"Well then, what is it?"
Pushing off the bed walking up to you as your eyebrow raised. Pressing onto my tiptoes to reach, hand smoothing down your hair as you leaned down giving me a better angle.
"There, that's better."
"What would I do without you?" That side grin popping in pairing with that low and sexy tone.
Still leaning down to me I couldn't help but to look at your lips. How they curved slightly showing off your straight teeth and that dimple on your cheek.
Pressure on my back, urging me forward, listening without question. Stepping into you, hands moving up your chest around your shoulders leaning in even closer. Eyes watching my lips as I grabbed the hairs at the base of your neck. Your tongue slipping out, licking your lips, getting ready.
So close I could feel your pulse speeding up.
Wanting to get closer, mouth hovering over your lips.
"Have a good day at work." Wild grin on my face as I backed away, exiting the room going down the hallway. Knowing that I just left you wanting more. Giddy in the fact that I had that control.
Even though I wanted that kiss. Was almost about to go through with it, so close to you, fire flowing through waiting to burst.
In fact my entire body felt like I had downed an entire case of energy drinks. I wanted to run, move, do a cartwheel even though I didn't know how. Do something to release this tension forming in my muscles.
In the middle of the living room when an arm wrapped around my waist tickling my sides.
"What was that? Huh?"
"Ahhhhhhhh. Stop." Hysterically giggling as I tried to push you off only managing to give me enough room to twist around. Taking advantage and poking you in the sides.
"Hey! That's not fair." Talking as you attempted to twist me back around but I wrapped my arms around your neck keeping me in place as your hands stayed on my hips. Both of us were out of breath. At least I knew now that you were ticklish too.
One hand sliding up to my lower back keeping me close while your other hand raised to push aside the hair that covered my face, hand cupping my chin raising it up.
Closing my eyes as our lips connected, reigniting the rush of adrenaline all over again. Using my arms to bring me closer as your hand slid down squeezing my ass.
A happy chuckle making its way past my lips between kisses while your other hand ran slowly down my side sending chills down my arms. Lifting me up slightly as your hands grabbed my butt. Smiling against your lips.
After a moment you set me down, my arms hanging loosely on your shoulders keeping you close.
"Now that's more like it."
Open palms gliding down your chest feeling the outline of your pecs through the shirt.
"Don't you have to go to work?"
"I could just stay home. We could spend the day together."
The happiness it brought me just knowing that it was light out.
Raising my brow looking up at you. "That's what the picnic tonight is for isn't it?"
"Ugh. Fine." A playful smile on your face as you leaned down to kiss me once more. Short and sweet. "I guess I'll go to work then. Anything you want from the store while I'm there?"
Thinking it over, I really didn't need anything. What I really wanted, a phone for instance, you wouldn't get.
"Just make sure to grab the Hershey milk chocolate bars."
Kissing me again before opening the door to the basement holding it open as I walked through.
"I'll be home later."
Hearing the metal clink as the lock slid into place.
Sitting down on the top step looking down.
Gone for a few hours. Could I break open the door?
Waiting a little bit making sure you were gone, pressing my ear against the door listening for any noise.
Could this be a test? You sitting on the couch waiting for me to make a move?
Leaning down, cheek pressed flat against the floor one eye closed trying to look under the crack.
Grabbing onto the knob, knowing it was locked but wanting to try anyway. Pushing on the edge expecting the frame to give a little but the door didn't budge.
Ramming my shoulder against the wood, doing nothing but sending a sharp pain through my back.
One girl broke through the door before. It would make sense that you would only make the door stronger to avoid that happening again. Though that didn't help me in my case and there wasn't enough room to get a running start.
Would breaking the handle off allow me to open the door?
I could use the chain, wrap it around the knob to try and give me leverage to break away the handle.
If that didn't work how would I explain that to you?
You would know how much I still wanted to escape this place.
At least, thinking to myself, I was going back outside tonight. Who knows, it might actually be fun. Then that would also give me a better chance at getting away.
You would open the door and we would share s'mores by the fire looking up at the stars.
If I got away now that would give me time to run.
Walking down the steps, pacing the entire room now that I didn't have the chain holding me back. Going under the steps, looking between the planks of wood. Light from the bulb casting strips of light on my and the wall as it shined through the gaps.
Raising my arm, lowering it, watching as the light and dark stripes moved across my skin.
"Just a little bit longer." I was making progress, no longer chained, allowed upstairs, going outside, seeing the house.
If I kept at it I would be able to get out and be home again.
Looking around at the rough walls, the bed in the corner, how the chain hung from the ceiling.
No way I could stay here. Not like this, hating this room, hating the fact that I was locked down here.
Fighting every instinct I had when I stepped back through that door, but I had to. To keep your trust, to make it seem like I wanted to.
Walls seemed to move closer together every time I came back down. Room getting smaller, even though that wasn't possible but that's what it felt like after being upstairs. The living room was twice the size of this basement.
Ten steps from the bed to the buckets, twenty four the stairs to the opposite wall. Same size.
Stopping by the collar, bending down. Cold metal against my skin as I closed the two parts together. The small circle space that it had, was my neck that small?
So relieved that you hadn't changed your mind about putting the thing back on me.
Dropping the collar on the metal rod that held the chain in place watching as it moved side to side until it steadied itself.
At least my plan was working. Found a way to make you feel as if I actually wanted to stay.
Now I just had to find the right time to leave. You weren't going to kill me, that didn't change the fact that you stole me away. If you had it your way I would end up growing old and die here anyways.
Staring at the collar clenching my jaw. I was still your pet, even if I didn't have the leash anymore, just better trained. It didn't matter how you treated me after or how you made me feel, that would never change.
Knowing that I had to get out, away from you. So I can clear my head and get back to the way things were before.
Already I couldn't even go a couple minutes without thinking about you.
You're not a bad guy.
It's not your fault that you got screwed up as a child. All things considered you could be worse.
Making even more excuses for you.
Belly flopping onto the bed cramming my head into the pillow screaming.
In the end you took me, and chained me up.
There was no denying that.
You were messed up.
Though you were also really sweet and sexy and kissing you....

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