Chapter Thirty One

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Dating Gabriel was very interesting, to say the least.

When he asked me out on a first date, he included Lucas because apparently, 'Lucas and I were a package deal and he couldn't just take one out without the other'. Lucas was very excited about that and fell in love with Gabriel even more.

However, on the second date, Lucas didn't come with and he used the opportunity to spend the night at my parents' place. It was quite surprising that they were willing to have him, but I didn't question it.

It has been almost a month since Gabriel and I started dating and I have never regretted dating him. As expected, Gabriel was a bit touchy in public. He tried to keep it to a minimum when we were at work though, but he wasn't very successful.

Everyone at DH Tech knew Gabriel and I were dating. On our first date, a picture of us was taken and was used in an article concerning Gabriel's dating life which everyone read. Of course, they were people that didn't approve of it but as Gabriel said, we shouldn't let random people strip us of what makes us happy.

Gabriel makes me happier than ever and I couldn't give that up just because some random people thought it wasn't cool to date your boss. Besides, the billionaire books I've read always had their happy ending, why couldn't I?

Everything in my life had been perfect, it was kind of surprising. I had a better relationship with my parents. Lucas had a great relationship with his grandparents. I had a job and a boss who wouldn't assault me. I had a boyfriend, who happened to be said boss and Lucas didn't have any complaints about my boyfriend.

Gabriel was doing great as well. He didn't have any other episode where he snapped at people, and while sometimes, I'd catch him in his head, he was never moody. He'd just smile and tell me that he was thinking about work, which was expected because they just started working on a new app and Gabriel wanted everything to go great.

"Alright, it's time to go home," I announce, walking into Gabriel's office where Lucas was by the couch, reading a book while Gabriel worked on his computer.

Hilda has been taking up more shifts recently and that meant I didn't have anyone to babysit Lucas when she did. I didn't want to start searching for a new sitter. It took quite a while for Lucas to warm up to Hilda.

Gabriel enthusiastically suggested that Lucas stay with him after school until I was done with work. Sometimes, he even went to pick him up. I appreciated all that Gabriel was doing for Lucas and it made me love him even more.

Fine, I said it. I love him. Try dating someone like Gabriel for a whole month and not fall in love with him. He is everything I ever wanted in a guy and sometimes, I wonder if I'm dreaming. I cannot stress how amazing he is enough. He doesn't believe he is and whenever I tell him, he turns into a blushing mess.

Lucas pouts, closing his book and putting it in his school bag. He isn't even interacting with Gabriel, but he loves his presence enough to not want to go.

"Hey, love." Gabriel abandons what he's doing and stands up to kiss me. "How was work today?"

"Eh, alright," I give a one-shouldered shrug. "Your secretary kept wiggling her eyebrows at me on my way here."

"Well, you are going to some secluded office with your boyfriend. It's only fair that she has those thoughts."

I blush. I still can't get used to Gabriel calling himself my boyfriend. "We're not alone. Lucas is here."

"And you guys keep forgetting that so you get all mushy in my presence." Lucas interrupts, making Gabriel step away from me.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He says, going back to his chair.

"When will you be getting off work?" I narrow my eyes on him. It wasn't very noticeable, but Gabriel was a workaholic and when he wasn't spending time with me or Lucas, he was working. "Do you even have any hobbies?"

He smirks, trailing his eyes up and down my body at a slow pace. "You bet I do."

I facepalm, trying to hide the fact that his innuendo made my whole face hot. Hell, it made my whole body tingle. That's not the kind of reaction a young boy should see his mother reacting to. "What does that look mean?" I hear Lucas asking Gabriel and I take his backpack from him as I start dragging him out of the office.

"You do not want to know."

"I'll try not to stay too late!" Gabriel yells out as the door closes and I shake my head. That man will be the death of me.

I bid bye to the secretary as I leave Gabriel's floor, heading for the underground parking lot. Speaking of that, I had a spot reserved for me. Granted, it was unfair, but Gabriel wouldn't budge and it saved me from looking for a spot whenever I came to work, hence I took it.

Lucas isn't very chatty during the ride home, but that is because he is focused on the book he's reading. However, immediately after we park in the parking lot at our apartment complex and get out, he starts speaking.

"So, what are we doing for my birthday?" He asks as soon as we start climbing the staircase that'll lead to our floor.

"Hmm?" I ask distractedly.

"My birthday? It's less than a month away."

"Don't worry, I got it covered."

I totally don't. I've been so caught up in everything happening in my life that I forgot that Lucas' birthday is fast approaching. "Good. I mentioned it to Gabriel, but he said I should ask you what you have planned first."

"We'll talk about it later, okay?" I tell him as I insert the key into the lock. I need time to think about something and I need to think fast because when Lucas starts talking about his birthday, he doesn't stop. It's literally his favorite time of the year. "Why don't you focus on finishing your novel for now?"

I twist the key, but I realize that the door is already open. I pause and tell Lucas to stay behind me, feeling unsettled. I totally remember locking my door this morning. It couldn't have opened magically. Someone had been inside and they might still be.

I push open the door slowly and turn on the lights and the picture in front of me makes me freeze. My bag and Lucas' drop from my hands and onto the ground.

"Oh my God," Lucas exclaims as he also takes in the state of the house. Everything is upside down. Lamps are shattered. The couches are torn. The TV isn't even where it's supposed to be.

My breathing accelerates as I take more steps into the house. The coffee table is broken. I run to my room; it's untouched and so is Lucas' room. Nothing is missing as well. It seems like whoever came in here came with the intent to destroy my property and not steal.

I go into the kitchen and it has the same fate as the living room, except there's a note on the counter.

I'm scared to find out what's in it; I don't want to know who did this and why they did it, but I have to. I turn the note around and there's only one sentence written on it.

[An eye for an eye]

Below it are the initials of who did it; S. L.

"Mommy, what happened?" I hear the scared voice of Lucas as he steps into the kitchen.

I turn around and try not to show that I am scared as well. "Get my phone and call 911."

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