The calm before the Storm

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'Why can't I help?'  I Think to myself as I watch my older brother leave. I didn't want to just hang back and relax as my older brother got his old as fuck arse kicked by a country who had an empire in the New World. 

'I don't care what that grumpy know it all says, I WILL help, and he WILL like it.'  The young-ish country storms out of the office, then stops. How on earth am I going to help? My power is going to be no help. But some digging, spying, and using a few favors some humans owe me. 

 I am going to help my older brother and officially kick some Spanish arse.   

I am really good at cloak and dagger, I have to if I was going to survive through fighting siblings all of whom wanted my sovereignty so they could control the entire island.  England and Scotland thought they could get from me since they started fighting

 So my entire life was constantly running from the people I used to trust. Ireland and Wales felt the same way but they were captured by England and now, I don't know where they reside. I look at the old paintings that line the wall, I will get powerful one day.

I DON'T care how long it takes, how much blood is shed, how many countries I have to burn I WILL get more powerful then the rest of my crazy power hungry siblings that I vow. I stop at a random mirror and stare at myself. How many times have I made that vow? Countless. 

How can a country like me get powerful? I am at the bottom of the totem pole in this horrible family. Everyone thinks I will not unite this damp island. But unbeknownst to my petty siblings I have a plan and I will be in control. Not England, not Scotland, not Wales, not Ireland, not Spain, and definitely NOT France. 

I feel my fistes ball up and unclench them and look away from the mirror, if anyone saw that they would get suspicious, I need to remain "loyal" to England for if I don't I will for sure not get as much "freedom" as I have now. England might think I am siding with Scotland and give her my sovereignty over the island. 

I glance around paranoid hoping no one saw my small show of real body language, I am tired of running. I want a life I can live, this, this isn't living this terrifying reality is just not dying. And I am scared I might not even achieve that small win of living.   

I start walking down the corridor passing humans. England has spies all over the place to keep watch over me so I keep my face neutral and my steps even so they report nothing is a miss in my behavior. But how on earth was I going to "prove" my loyalty to my brother then back stab him later when my plan was officially in place? 

Then another thought came to me, how on earth am I going to even get to England's fleet to help with the battle without one of his human spies reporting my absence to him? I will have to work fast if I am going to escape his clutches. 

I arrive at my rooms but before I can walk inside I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I involuntarily freeze as hot breath slides down my neck as I hear the last voice I wanted to hear says "A little birdie tells me you need some help escaping England." 

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